8: Head of the Household

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"If I quit now, I think I'd have a breakdown." I swallowed and signed, instantly feeling a rush.

* * *

Emily turned back to Rachel. "Let's get one thing clear, I'm not 'Ms. Bennet'," she said, "I'm 'Mrs. Bennet', out of respect for my dear departed husband."

Emily signed the divorce paper, and the pre-nup, but not the employment contract.

"I can't sign this." She pulled away. "It says here you are to present yourself as feminine, but all I see is a boy." Her tone was haughty and playful, like she often was in the bedroom. "As of right now, you are trespassing on private property, and I will call to have you removed if you don't remove yourself."

"What?" I asked, suddenly feeling a chill.

"You heard me," she scolded with a wicked smile, "I'll be hiring staff later this afternoon. Come back after four."

"I'd listen to her if I were you," Rachel added as she collected all the papers into a briefcase. "Well, I'm off to file and make everything official. I'll show you out." She put her hand on my shoulder and started leading me toward the front door.

Emily pulled out her phone. "I'm calling the police in 20, 19, 18..."

"Let's go..." Rachel tugged at my arm. She was getting nervous.

We left the kitchen "17, 16..." and started our way across the front foyer. Emily raised her voice "10, 9, 8..."

We got to the front door. "I'm dialing now!" Emily called out, and the door closed behind us.

"Come on, I'm over here," Rachel led me to her rental car, a white Toyota.

I asked, "What's going on?"

"I begged Emily to let me help. So I'm going to get you ready for your big job interview."

We drove a short way into the city and stopped at a very small house. A stylish-hipster woman, a young Asian with wavy blonde hair opened the door.

"Is this him?" she asked, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"It is," Rachel answered and started walking back to her car.

"Where are you going?" the woman asked.

"To go file these papers," She said, lifting the briefcase. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I don't want to miss this!"

I thought about rushing her, this would be my last chance to stop everything from going through. I turned toward Rachel and took a step forward, just as she sat down in the driver's seat. The door locks clicked.

"Hi, I'm Julia," the woman said. "I usually work in a salon, but I've got some very strange instructions about you, so it's easier to do it here."

I sighed and turned to her. "Strange instructions?"

"Come on in," she led me inside. "You'll notice all the mirrors are either covered or put away. I'm not to let you see what I'm doing. I assume this is for some sort of game?"

"Sort of." I admitted.

"Well, it seems fun." She sat me down on a straight-backed kitchen chair and handed me a blindfold.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"So, you can't see."

I gulped and put it on.

She picked up one of my hands and started running something against my nails, humming pop songs while she worked, and eventually moved onto the other hand.

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