18: Perverts Together

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"Please no," I shivered.

"Suit yourself." Her tail brushed along my inner thigh as she walked away, back out into the hallway.

* * *

"That sounded intense." Rose chimed in.

"You heard that?" I asked.


"I haven't heard from you in a while."

"We've been talking, you just haven't been listening," said Julia.

"What?" I checked my headset and found it tangled in my wig, hanging next to my ear but not actually in. "How about now?"

"That's better, I'm sneaking around outside," Julia said. "Find the painting?"

"No," I said, "I've looked through everything in here, checked the closet too. Maybe it's not here?"

"Oh wait," said Julia. "Found it. Out in the garage."

"Anyone in there?" Rose asked.

"Just a couple of rag dolls having sex."

Rose, still a six-foot Doberman, went in and kicked the rag dolls out. Then motioned that it was okay to enter.

I got there just in time to see a shadow emerge from the... well... the shadows.

"It's over here," said the shadow, Julia, as she pointed to the back of a black SUV. My aunt's painting was visible through the back window.

"So it's an electronic lock, can you open it?" Rose asked.

"Key pads, I was talking about keypads..." I felt embarrassed.

"Oh for fuck's sake," Rose grumbled. "Stay," The dog motioned, like she was ordering a dog, and left the room.

A few minutes later she returned and opened the car door with a clicker. "I got it from the valet stand."

I popped the hook end off my staff, fished the fake painting out of its hollow tube, and unrolled it.

"Um..." Shadow-Julia raised a finger, "Is it supposed to look like that?"

I sighed. The painting had been so tightly wrapped to fit in the tube the paint had started to flake off.

"Glad you didn't try that with the real one, Chuck." Rose patted me on the back. "Great plan."

"I probably would have made the same mistake," said Julia.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. "I mean we have the real one right here..."

"I could sneak it out," Julia offered. "Just don't roll it up so tight."

"Should we still switch them?"

"Just dump that one," Rose pointed to the forgery. "Better they think it's stolen than swapped."

Without thinking, I went to throw it in the garbage, but Rose stopped me, saying, "Maybe not dump it in the first place they'll look, Chuck."

I grimaced and started rolling the painting back up into my staff.

"I can't go back that way." Julia shrugged. "It just leads back to the garden."

"You could go out the garage door," Rose said. "But I don't have the clicker for that. Can't get it either... But hey look... there's a keypad." She pointed to one on the wall. "Would our mastermind of a leader like to give that a try?"

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