Camp Jupiter

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Percy's POV

I flashed next to the door going into Camp Jupiter and scared the petwoey out if two guards. Percy!!, They yelled. I looked at them more closely. It was Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque. Oh my gods, it's so good to see you they said to me. You too I replied. Right then Dakota and someone else came out. "P-percy", Dakota stuttered. I quickly replied hey and went inside.
I went straight to Reyna. She was talking with someone I didn't know. She saw me and her eyes lit up. She ran to me and threw her arms around me.
The guy cleared his throat apparently feeling awkward. Reyna let go of me with a slight blush. "Percy this is Andrew or Andy for short." I wondered what that look in her eyes was then I figured it out...she was in love.
After Andy and I got to know each other (I think we'll be great friends) she was like why are you here. I said something smart like"ummm..." She said that they would figure it out later. She was gonna get a bath so Andy and I wandered around.
"So are you and Reyna dating?"I asked casually. I could tell they liked each other. He spit out the hot chocolate that he was drinking. "What?", he asked incredulously. I'll take that as a no. "Um never mind".

Andy's POV

Percy knew I liked Reyna. Oh my gods. I decided to ask him. "Percy will you help me ask Reyna out?" I asked. He almost near choked on his chocolate. Then he regained his composure and said sure. YESSS! I was gonna go out with Reyna.

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