The Beginning

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Third Person's POV

The battle started. In the beginning it was all small easy to defeat monsters. Then after like the seventh wave came the big monsters. Kampê and the Minotaur were in the lead. Kronos walked up behind them. "Well, you have fought valiantly. Now seeing as only my side has death, we will let your puny little mortal bodies rest. I swear on the River Styx."
Wow, that's like an unbreakable vow (Harry Potter fans👍🏻). Everyone sighed and most went to their tents. All the head councilors went to the war camp ~or Chaos' tent. That included Jason~Zeus, Percy~Poseidon, Katie~Demeter, Clarrise and Frank~Ares, Annabeth~Athena, Will~Apollo, Leo~Hephaestus, Piper~Aphrodite, Travis and Conner~Hermes, Pollux~Dionysus, Nico and Hazel~Hades, and of course Thalia~Hunters, and Chaos' PAs~Frannie and Misty.
They talked battle strategy for a while. Then they all went to bed.

Percy's POV

The next day the horn sounded at dawn. All the campers ran out in pajamas. Amazingly the hunters and gods, Chaos, and Chaos' P.A.s were all fully dressed. The horn sounded again and the big monsters, including the Minotaur and Kampê- yeah, not fun to see them again, came charging towards us.
We bided our time, waiting for them to come to us. No use wasting energy. In the middle of like the eighth wave of the nasty things, a horn sounded. Not the other side's horn. No, this was a more pleasing-to-the-ears horn. And from over the hill came some people I never thought I'd see again. The Amazons.

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