Uncle Zeus

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Percy's POV

I had had enough of Zeus. I mean seriously he's nice then he's an awful pansycake (for my viewers who read divergent😉). Well I'll show him.
I snuck into Hades' palace and down to the pit. I jumped in.Woo! Another trip to the pit.
While I was going down I thought of all my memories with Annabeth. Starting with her saying *you drool in your sleep*. I shed a tear or two when I thought about her alone down here getting tortured. What happened to never getting away from me again.

Annabeth's POV

It had been about five months since I contacted Percy. Every day more torture. Every day Percy thinking I don't love him.

Zeus' POV

Ugh that idiot Poseidon spawn. I swear I'm gonna kill him someday. When my big bro heard, he lost his cool. He broke down and sobbed like a newborn. He cried for our mother.
I couldn't stand seeing him like this. I went over and slapped him. I promised to my bro and daughter that I'd bring home their kids. With that I disappeared to go into Tartarus.

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