Savior~ Yeah It Had To Happen Sometime

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Percy's POV

I was falling, falling, and guess what ... that's right falling, YAY. After what felt like a millennium I finally saw ground. Oh crap no water! I would have to use the power my dad gave to me.
I drew water from inside of me and made a cushion. Well, at least we know it works:) . I continued on walking. Where is she, I thought.

Zeus' POV

After I was done falling, I went searching. Yes, I found human footprints. Oh no! They were being followed by big feet, that were definitely not human.

Percy's POV

I was walking for ages when I heard a strange sound coming from behind me...

Zeus' POV

I started running. Yeah I'm not embarrassed to admit, I was scared. My favorite nephew is in the pit...again. It's a wonder if he and my as he put it granddaughter are still sane. And then to find out he might get killed by some horrible beast... I'm just like the worst uncle EVER!
But I promised I'd bring them home. So I will.

Percy's POV

I turned around with sword in hand and decapacitated... no it couldn't be, but it was... Arachne.

Zeus' POV

I was sprinting and came across something dark and sticky. Oh my gods it was blood. Please don't tell me it's Percy's. I continued sprinting, hoping I'd find him alive.

Percy's POV

After I killed Arachne I continued but more alert-like. I came across more monsters but thankfully smaller.
After like three days, I reached this big building made out of obsidian. I rushed in. Bad choice, VERY bad choice.

Zeus' POV

I came across monster carcasses, but I chose to think Percy killed them not a bigger monster. I continued for like a day when I came across an obsidian building. I reached it right as a human scream pierced the sulfuric air. PERCY!!! I thought.

Percy's POV

All the monster guards charged at me. I screamed in fury because of what they did to my girlfriend. I obliviated all in path with no mercy.
I ran into the building. Yay! I get to face my girlfriend who I could've saved all those months ago. I swear on the river Styx that I will kill Order, somehow.

Zeus' POV

I saw something run into the building. I ran to the door and saw multiple carcasses, again. I followed what I hoped was Percy. I saw the thing and tackled it. It rolled over. It was Percy!

Percy's POV

I got tackled. Ugh! How could I let someone sneak up on me. I got turned around and looked into the eyes of my attacker... my uncle.
When Zeus saw who it was he hugged me and sobbed into my hair. I kinda felt awkward comforting the king of the gods, but he was also my uncle so...
"What are you doing here, uncle", he told me long ago to call him uncle. "I came here to take you and Annabeth home", was his reply.

Zeus' POV

I have to admit, I was so happy to see Percy I shed a tear or two. Ok, I shed more like a million. After our reunion we went searching for Annabeth.
Percy led the way. Soon enough we came to a cell where someone was crying. He opened the door with little trouble. As soon as the door opened the sobbing stopped. "Percy", someone breathed out.

Annabeth's POV

When Percy and Zeus burst through the door, I was surprised to say the least. I breathed out Percy.
He ran towards me, crying. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have believed you stopped loving me.". "It's ok, Seaweed Brain. We're together again." He cut my chains, and I collapsed into his arms.
Zeus was literally sobbing. "It's ok Grandpa", I said. He finally composed himself. "Ok, it's time you two saw your parents", and with that he teleported us out of Tartarus.

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