The Start of the End

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Third Person's POV

       Everyone, including the gods, cheered and ran towards Percy, Annabeth, Athena, and Apollo. They hugged every single person and god. As soon as they were halfway through the line there was another flash. Out of the flash came Artemis and the hunters.

       Thalia and Manda were the first ones to react. Thalia ran to Annabeth sobbing. Manda ran to Percy. "Are you the great Percy Jackson who is also Broken?", Manda asked. For his answer he turned into his wolf form and everyone except the hunters gasped.

Annabeth's POV

      Apparently there were some things that happened while I was gone. For instance there was a hunter hugging my boyfriend asking if he was some Broken thing. Then my boyfriend, my human boyfriend turned into a wolf. A stinking wolf. I would have to ask him about that later, but at the moment I was talking to Thalia so I refocused on our conversation.

       "I'm so sorry that I believed that you were fine and that you betrayed Percy just like the rest of us", she sobbed into my shoulder. "It's ok Thals, we both forgive you. I promise. Please don't cry." Right as I finished, the ground rumbled. A voice rumbled, making the ground shake, "So you found your precious girlfriend. Well, well that might've seemed smart or even brave, but you've just started the war of the century!" The voice went away with a few rounds of evil laughter. Everyone screamed and shouted, the little kids even cried.

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