Hunters' Camp

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Artemis' POV

I stormed into the dinner tent. My half-brother just told that stupid camp that Percy died, time I do the same. I had already asked if I could tell the hunters and Percy said yes.
The hunters looked at me with surprise because I acted angry. "Well way to go girls", I said with real anger in my voice. They all went what did we do? "You got rid of the last good man in this earth.", I said then left to go into my tent.
Pretty soon everyone was knocking on my door. I stormed out,"What do you want, I'm mourning my good friend". "Mi'lady who died?", Thalia asked.
"Your so called brother.", she gasped,"after you (as in hunters) and Camp Half Blood bullied him, he lost the will to live." Thalia sobbed. Good, she knew who I was talking about. "N-n-noooo", she was really heartbroken.
I returned to my tent. I fell asleep listening to Thalia's sobs. Also the hunters being mad at theirselves after I told them who I was talking about.

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