Shark Week (Peter P.)

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I need a Peter in my life :(


"Nooooo!", you whined as you woke up to the uncomfortable feeling of wetness between your legs. Getting rid of the now blood-stained sheets, you made your way to the washroom. "Shit, gotta go to school too! I'll be late!"

After getting ready in a jiffy, on your way to the exit of the avengers tower, you were met with Natasha, who, upon giving you a questioning look on the way your face was contorted in pain, had given you a look filled with sympathy, knowing exactly how mother nature could be a bitch. You had smiled a smile which shouted 'Guess-I'll-Die' and had continued rushing outside after mumbling a grumpy 'Good morning and good bye.'

"Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today." Your adoptive father THE Anthony Edward Stark had said.

"Yeah, good day to you too, dad." You managed to get out instead of screaming in pain at the constant overwhelming feeling of being stabbed in the abdomen.

You took the route to Midtown High you always took, and upon reaching, tried to block the wolf whistles by some boys of the school. All it took was a death glare, and they'd shut the hell up, but all you really wanted to do right now was to shrivel up to the size of a peanut and die.

"Y/n Stark. You are late." The most strict teacher you had, Miss Umbridge said.

"I never said I wasn't" You mumbled under your breath as you took your designated seat beside your boyfriend Peter Parker.

"Wow. Snappy much, darling?"

"I guess you could say that. I have my mood swings, but right now I just wanna paint the walls in Umbridge's blood."

"She wasn't even that bitchy today."

"I wanna do it for no reason."

"Oh- You're on your period?" Understanding dawned on Peter's face.

"Well done, you just stated the obvious."

"I feel a storm brewing."

This line made you and Peter both burst out in giggles, Oh God how he could always cheer you up. Unfortunately this blissful young romance was unapproved by Miss Umbridge, so she had to ruin the moment and bark out loud,"Hem, hem, Miss Stark and Mr Parker. I see there's something funny about the way I teach. Care to share with the rest of the class?"

"Um.. No we don't." You confidently stated (The raging hormones in your body giving you bursts of confidence), to which her face, now contorted in fury, somehow became even more comical, causing you and Peter (And the rest of the class) to burst out in giggles once again. Well, what more would you expect? Daring, you? Hell yeah. Perks of being a Stark, you could almost get away with anything.


"Detention after school for both Mr Parker and Miss Stark. So, as I was saying earlier before being so rudely interrupted..."

You didn't have favorites, but if you did make a list of favorite teachers, Miss Umbridge would certainly be nowhere near the top. Or the middle. She'd be at the rock bottom.

All the other teachers were tolerable, but not her.

Or maybe it was just because she was named Umbridge.

Yes, very sad, anyway...

You had zoned out immediately after hearing the word ''Detention''. Now, you could get your dad to bail you out of this, but he had done it so many times in the not-so-distant past that he refused to do it now.

Loki and Peter Parker Imagines (X reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن