Lost and Found (Loki)

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It had been four years since the agonizing event had occurred. Four years since Frigga had passed on to Valhalla, and four years since your best friend, your accomplice in crime, the Dark Prince, Loki Laufeyson of Asgard had abandoned you.

Four years since Kurse stabbed him. Four years since he had looked you in the eye, his eyes filled with an emotion you couldn't quite decipher, and four years since he had murmured his last words, a confession which you cherished forever, yet one which haunted you as well...

"I love you.."

He had apologized, too, but how could you forgive him? How could you forgive him for making you fall in love with him, and then leaving you all alone to fend for yourself in this world? All you had known growing up was him, he had wholly influenced your being. And now, within the blink of an eye, he was gone. For the second time.

It hurt, it hurt so much and you gave up trying to push the feeling away. You emptied your eyes of all the tears. You abandoned everything and started permanently residing in Midgard.

And now, four years later, Thor was standing in your kitchen. He wanted you to visit Asgard with him.

"No, Thor, I can't just abandon my life on earth!"

"Oh please, Lady Y/n. It would hurt too much to go to Asgard alone. Besides, I don't wish to face father alone. Who knows what action of mine would've angered him throughout these years?"

"But Thor-"

"Please," Thor gave you the puppy eyes.

"Oh no you don't. Do not give me the puppy eyes, mister. Did Peter teach you that? He probably did."

"I adore the spider-child. He taught me this trick to enable me to convince others for anything! Can you believe that a facial expression could be so useful?"

"Don't we all love Pete," You smiled. "Okay, alright I yield. I'll visit Asgard with you. Just- I won't stay there. The place holds too many memories of Loki," a teardrop escaped your eye at the bittersweet flashbacks.

Thor was visibly saddened by your remark, similar memories flashing through his mind. The subject of his brother's demise was not one that was brought up often. It was a delicate matter, one that had left a scar on his and your heart forever. So, instead of saying anything, he gave you a bone crushing hug.


Upon seeing the crowd which had gathered for an occasion of sorts as soon as they landed in Asgard, both Thor and you were extremely confused. And then-

"What the hell is that?" Thor muttered, while you also stared at the statue of ...Loki?!

Odin wasn't happy at Loki's demise, but he wouldn't go to such lengths to show his affection for his younger, adoptive son, would he? Was the man really coming to his senses and actually appreciating Loki for once?

You were made more confused as the sound of a choir group singing reached your ears. You shared a look with Thor and made your way to the source of the attraction responsible for gathering this many people, coincidentally, the source of the sound.

A play? Odin laying on a sofa, eating grapes? Further confusing still, a play depicting Loki's 'grand' sacrifice? What in the Norns?!

The actor playing Loki was pretending to, well, die, in the play, and the actor playing Thor was holding him close. But right next to the two actors was an actress who seemed to be playing you.

The scene was almost exactly the same as it had played out in real life. In that moment, the realization dawned upon you, and a mix of emotions threatened to overcome your sense of logic.

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