Falling (Peter P.)

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Peter was screwed.

He was done for.

His end was inevitable.

Why? What had he done?

He had fallen.

Fallen hard for a girl.

And he had no idea who she was!

Yes, he saw her almost daily, and he had engaged in conversation with her a couple of times (To be fair, most of the talking was done by him), and the most human behavior she had ever shown towards him was manipulate a knife aimed at him, using her awesome powers, and throw it on the ground.

Then, she had glared at him and said, "Why do you keep forgetting that we are in the middle of a raging BATTLE right now, Parker?"

That was when Peter had started freaking out.



Peter had no idea who she was, but he still developed a tiny crush on her.

And that was dangerous. Why?

Because she was formidable. How?

Because the girl, better known as New York's recent most renowned hero (?), The Void, with her black spandex suit, black mask covering half of her face, black combat boots, and if all of that wasn't enough, a black cloak (To add to her mysterious charm presumably, which, if it was the case, was working really well) was known to be able to mind control people and had telekinesis as her powers.

In short, she was a mini Wanda, but, unlike Wanda, as Doctor Strange said, she knew her potential.

So she was formidable. VERY formidable.

And so The Avengers had to find out who she was so they'd not have any nasty surprises if she ever turned on them.

But she was very difficult to track. Mr Stark had tried to place a tracker on her suit, and he had had the databases of every single country (IN THE WORLD!) scanned, to see if her DNA samples, gathered with difficulty, would match anyone's.

The tracker was offline. Destroyed, probably. Last location where it was active was an abandoned factory, providing no clue of her current location whatsoever. She was smart.

And then the DNA test's results came back. ZERO matches.

She doesn't exist. THERE is NO ONE in this world whose DNA matches hers!

Then there was Y/n. This is where Peter became confused and unsure of his feelings, his instincts. Sure, he liked The Void, but he also liked Y/n. Like, a lot.

Y/n was a badass. She was a new student at Midtown, but MJ, Ned and Peter himself had developed a soft spot for her in their hearts. She was smart, funny, sassy, and extremely creative.

Long story short : Peter was screwed.


Y/n was screwed.

Why? Because she had fallen for Peter Parker. And then she had found out that Peter was Spider-man.

Peter didn't know that she knew.

One more thing Peter didn't know was that she was The Void.

She didn't exist in any databases of the world, and that was because she was born and raised in Hydra. When she turned 14, she realized her potential.

She escaped. Quite effortlessly. But it was gruesome.

Since then, she had been on the run.

Her powers involved mind control, so of course, surviving was easy. And as she learned more and more about the world, she decided to settle in it. Trying to be normal for once.

Enrolling into Midtown school of science and technology a couple months later had been easy. Surprisingly, she liked science, and was good at it.

As of now, she lived in an okay apartment, and had 3 "friends" at school; Peter, Ned and MJ.

She wasn't complaining. This was better than the past 15 years of her life.

But now everything had become unclear and confusing! Screw these feelings-

She couldn't just tell Peter that she was The Void and that she knew he was Spider-man, could she?

And that she liked him. More than a friend. How would he take it?

There were too many question marks, and she had never been an expert with emotions, considering the environment she grew up in. She was still healing. And the scars would never fade away.

Yes, she could read Peter's mind, but she respected his boundaries. She did not want to accidentally become jealous (if there was someone else) and mind-control Peter into liking her.

She had a messed up moral compass, but she was not that bad.

So, what the hell was she supposed to do?!

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