We're Okay (Peter P.)

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This was it. She could feel the end nearing.

Mantis was the first one to go. Drax turned to dust after her, looking at Peter Quill with a confused expression, muttering, "Quill?," as if waiting for further instructions. Quill could do nothing for his team or himself though, for he soon turned to dust too.

There was a metallic taste on her tongue as her head turned towards Strange. He almost looked as if he expected this to happen, which he probably did. He simply said, "there was no other way," explaining his decision to give the time stone to Thanos.

Then he, too, disintegrated into nothingness.

"Mr Stark?" She turned to look at her mentor. "What's happening?" She asked, a very prominent, fearful edge to her tone.

"I- I don't know, kid." He attempted to sound strong for those who were remaining, but failed miserably, more than a hint of fear and despair creeping into his words.

"Y/n? Mr Stark? I don't feel so good."

No. Not Peter.

"You're alright, we're alright." She told him, although she didn't sound too convinced.

"I- I don't know what's happening, Y/n, I don't know-" He stumbled, and Tony caught him.

"I don't wanna go, Mr Stark, please, please, I don't wanna go-"

Tony could do nothing. He only lay him on the ground, as gently as he could. But all he really wanted to do was to cry out loud, to scream, to destroy the cause of this chaos.

In that moment, Y/n raised her hands in front of her eyes, staring at them, almost as if she was caught in a trance. The strange tingling sensation she'd been feeling all over her body had now intensified, centering itself around her hands, her arms, as she observed herself turn to dust.

"Y/n-" Peter mumbled, looking up at her.

She replied with a whimper, and a small, "Don't go."

Peter's eyes widened, filling up with tears as he registered the fact that Y/n was also a target of the same twisted game that fate was playing.

"No-" He choked out, as Y/n turned to dust. He could see that tears had formed in Tony's eyes, and he was touched.

"I'm sorry..." Peter mumbled, looking at Tony.

We'll be okay. Y/n will be okay.

Those were his last thoughts, as Peter disintegrated gradually, his end delayed due to his healing abilities trying to save him, but without effect.


5 years later

She regained consciousness first.

It was as if she'd been woken up from a deep sleep. There was that tingling sensation again, in her arms, and she looked at them to see specks of dust gathering together to complete them and form her hands.

At first she was confused, but then she remembered everything, and as soon as she registered that she was alive again, she turned left and right, looking for Peter, Strange, and the rest.

Strange was next. The dust merged together, forming him, sitting in the same position that he was in right when he disintegrated.

Her lips broke into a somewhat relieved smile, and she nodded at him, and he returned both expressions.

Then came Drax, then Peter Quill, then Mantis.

But where was her Peter?

Her question was answered, and the sensation of acid churning in her stomach was muted a bit, when dust accumulated together to form him.

She fell to his side, saying his name.

Then he opened his eyes, familiar confusion clouding in those beautiful brown irises, and spotted her. His frown departed, and he smiled, arms instantaneously wrapping around her.

"We're alright." He muttered, barely audible because his face was buried in her neck. He clutched on to her tighter, and so did she, for both feared that the other would disappear if they let go.

"I was so scared." She replied. "I though I lost you- I-"

"But we're here, okay? We're together. You're okay, I'm okay, all of us are alright. We're alive." Peter attempted to smile, although this time it didn't reach his eyes.

"What about Tony? Where is he? And what about May? Ned?"

Peter had no answers to that, which was understandable. He only hugged her tighter as a reply.

"I though I lost you forever." She mumbled.

"I know. But I'm here, okay? I'm not going anywhere. You're here with me."

"I love you." She said, and he froze, because this one was different. It held a different meaning, a silent promise, a thousand unsaid words and untold emotions.

"I love you too." He pulled back, tears streaming down his tired face. He hadn't even realized he was crying, until she wiped away his tears with the palm of her hand.

He moved closer to her, lips hovering near hers, and asked for permission with his eyes. She smiled, and nodded, and then they connected their lips, pouring out all that was needed to be said and heard in that one kiss. It was so much more than a kiss, though. It was the beginning of a new chapter for both of them. It was filled with silent admissions, shared sentiments, and love.

As they pulled away, they saw an orange glimmer in the distance. They shared a look, and got up, walking to joining the rest of the group, observing the glimmer which had now turned into a portal.

A portal opening out to a battlefield. To ruins, ruins which were now gradually being blessed with hope. To a fight, participating in which may or may not cost them their lives.

But as she reached out for his hand, and he held onto hers tightly, both of them felt the fear and uncertainty evaporate, and felt how it was replaced by a need to fight. A need to defend themselves. A need to avenge themselves.

Strange looked at both of them and said, "It's been five years. They need us now."

She sighed, and his eyes widened, although this time in surprise. They'd been here for five whole years?

The need to avenge the earth, their tears, their lives, grew stronger.

They shared a silent agreement, one consisting of the terms that they'd be okay. They'd look out for each other, and that piece of shit Thanos will pay.

And then they were on the other side of the portal, reunited with the living, observing the glory of being an avenger, of avenging lives.

Peter and Y/n had each other, and they'd stay together till the end of the line.

This was their glorious purpose.

The Avengers were assembled.

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