Finally Home (Peter P.)

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A/n: Peter and MJ did not date in the events of No way home in this fic, because then I'd feel bad for making Peter move on this easily.


​​​​Peter Parker had no one. No one knew him. Until a few days ago the entire world had known him, and even though he was glad that his secret was a secret again, he really missed his old life. Barely a few weeks in, and he was already tired of not existing in the minds and lives of anyone. Tired of the loneliness. His entire life, those 17 years he spent living, making memories, forgotten because of a single spell.

And it was painful when he saw how the world went on. How Ned and MJ lived their lives, not remembering that it used to be a trio and not a duo. But he couldn't do anything. He wouldn't do anything. They both were better off and safer without him.

And yes, Peter had tried to socialize with other tenants from the apartment building he now lived in, but he was scared. Scared of making new bonds and promises he wouldn't be able to keep, and would end up breaking.

But his heart ached every time whenever anything reminded him of the innocent, carefree boy that he used to be. He was alone now. Tony was gone, May was gone, Ned, MJ and Happy and Strange had no idea he existed. Accepting the reality didn't make it any less painful.

And then there was Y/n. The girl made Peter wonder if he could be happy again. But yet again, his fears of developing relationships which would end up abandoned were too great. Those fears kept him awake at night and they kept him from ever growing close to her.

What if everything went to shit again?

Of course, there were the few occurrences where Peter and Y/n would talk. Those few seconds would give Peter much insight on Y/n's life. She'd been through much, and the happiness was just a front. And she was willing to get to know him, but he didn't let her in.

And another problem was, he'd grown a little crush on her. Every time he came across her in the hallway, his heart would beat a little faster. His breath would catch and his words would stick in his throat. And his situation would be made all the worse when she smiled. That smile... He could talk about it for hours and never get tired.

If only there was someone who listened.

Days like today were the worst. Days when he had no energy left to fake it all and to make it through the day with a smile on his face, they were brutal. And today had been particularly painful. He had saved Ned and a few others from a burglary-gone-wrong at a grocery story, and had gotten shot in the process.

He was broken. Mentally, emotionally, and now physically.


He had no option left but to approach Y/n. He had been shot in the stomach; this would be fatal to the ordinary person, but not to him. Yet he was still losing consciousness quickly, and approaching y/n was the best option. He was still wearing his suit, so a hospital was out of question. Y/n was his only hope, and somehow he trusted her.


As she hummed along to the music playing on her speakers while (hopelessly) trying to cook, Y/n heard a faint knocking sound. She paused her playlist and listened carefully. Yes, the sound was real and it was coming from her... Window?

Upon peeking from behind her curtains (after grabbing a frying pan) she was shocked to find THE Spider-man outside. The suit seemed legit, so she opened the window, and the arachnid themed superhero tumbled inside.

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