Safe (Peter P.)

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Her breathing was erratic as she speed-walked away from the guy, the guy who had been tailing her for about half an hour now.

She was scared, but anger overwhelmed fear. Yet she still had enough common sense in her to keep walking, to somehow stay in a public area, and to not let the stranger find out where she lived. She couldn't face him alone, either. She was no superhero, sure, she'd be able to land a punch or two, but that would be the extent of her advantage in the confrontation.

She had increased her pace, but the burly guy was still getting closer every passing minute.

Her last resort would be to turn to a stranger for help.

She looked to her right, and spotted a boy entering the local deli. She recognized him from school. She didn't know him well, but she knew his name, and she knew she could trust him.

"Hey! Pete, babe, I'm here." She sighed, jogging to where he was and hugging him.

He seemed taken aback, and stiffened at first, but then he melted into the hug and she could feel his eyes scanning the crowd of people living about their daily lives behind her.

He rubbed her back and said, loudly enough to be heard by anyone intending to hear their conversation, "Yeah, I was getting worried, love. Had no problems getting here?"

She smiled in relief, "Yeah, I had no problems," and subtly looked into his eyes, then gestured behind her.

"No one suspicious' there. Whoever the idiot was, he's gone now," he muttered softly in her ear.

She pulled away, "Oh uh, Thank fricking God. Thank you- thank you so much. You're actually a lifesaver. There was this weirdo following me around from the past 30 minutes and I was starting to get paranoid."

"It's no problem, I'm glad I could help you," he smiled, and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

He felt the same.

"So, uh, could I drop you to where ever you're heading? I just don't think it'd be safe, especially keeping that dude in mind."

"Uh, yeah. I'm just heading home. You don't have to, but I don't mind the company."

His heart skipped a beat.

"I don't mind keeping you company either- I'm sorry if that came across as weird or something.." He smiled, embarrassed.

"No, it didn't come across as weird. You're company is preferable to those of random 40 year old dudes." She attempted to decrease the awkwardness of the situation by adding humor.

He chuckled, a sound which was like music to her ears.

Then they were walking away, chatting nonstop, and unknowingly giving each other butterflies and making each other blush.

He wanted to keep her safe, though he was sure she could stay safe on her own, and she loved that she felt safe with him.

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