The many times they glimpsed their love (Peter P.)

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Y/n: Your name.

(Y/e/c): Your eye color.


The first time he saw her, he was walking sulkily towards the exit of the airport, tired and dejected at his disastrous attempt at a vacation in the form of a school trip. Europe hadn't provided him with the relief and break he'd so longed for, neither had it given him any chance to confess his feelings to MJ, and now the trip was over.

He was back home, albeit now he had the E.D.I.T.H glasses previously belonging to Tony but nothing else except for the clothes he was wearing and his suit underneath.

Then he saw her: She was running towards him, arms open wide and a huge grin on her beautiful face. He'd stopped in his tracks, wondering who she was and why she was dashing towards him. The latter question was answered when she fled by him, not even sparing him a second glance, and hugged a brunette girl equally as excited as her.

He chuckled, and continued walking outside to where his aunt was waiting for him, and the two girls now chattering animatedly walked behind him, lost in their own bubble. Silently trudging on with Ned and Betty walking beside him, both conversing nonstop, he got wind of the fact that both girls were best friends, separated for a year due to one of them (the one who ran toward and then past him) moving away, and had just now been reunited and seen each other in person in a year.

He couldn't help but listen in to their conversation, pay attention to their voices, specifically the runner's, as they basked and relished in the happiness of reuniting with a loved one.

He smiled despite his sour mood as the runner gushed on and on about Queens, about Spider-Man, and about how much she longed to meet him as he was her idol, and how unfair it was that she'd been living in Queens for about a year now but still hadn't managed to glimpse Spider-Man even once, swinging around or saving innocents.

But then abruptly, he was pulled back in his own mind and own life as Ned addressed him and asked him a question, and the trio stepped outside, and he was enveloped in a hug by May. He hugged her back, a small smile still present on his face as he saw the runner and her best friend make their way to the runner's car, still talking and smiling constantly, occasionally whispering conspiratorially in each other's ears and bursting out into laughter afterwards.

His smile only grew as the runner's eyes met his, and she smiled back at him, but then May ushered him inside the car and the runner turned back to her best friend. To her, he was just another stranger, and she should've been one to him too, but for some strange, unfathomable reason, she wasn't. In the five minutes he'd known her, despite not knowing her name or anything even remotely important about her, Peter had found himself daydreaming about her instead of MJ. Heck, in those five minutes, MJ hadn't crossed his mind once, and that was astonishing.


The second time he saw her, he had walked inside Delmar's Deli-Grocery, ready to get himself his favorite sandwich and a coffee, then to swing up to the Empire State Building, rest for a bit and then start patrolling.

He once again stopped in his tracks as a familiar sound of laughter rang in his ears, and turned to see the runner laughing at something Mister Delmar had said, while clutching her bag's strap which was looped over her right shoulder. She picked up her order, payed, and turned to exit, eyes meeting his again, and she stopped, brows furrowed. He thought it made her look simply adorable. Her expressions then relaxed and she smiled at him once again before almost jogging outside, past him, into the sweltering heat Queens offered this summer.

"You know her?" Peter asked Mister Delmar after ordering his usual (ham, cheese, pickle on french bread with mustard, grilled and pressed flat) sandwich and a coffee.

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