Reunited (Loki)

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He was there. Standing right in front of her. She couldn't deny that it was indeed him. But it couldn't be, could it? How could Loki be standing in front of her? Was he not dead?

Her heart was once again ripped apart in two and trampled on when the mirror image of the man she longed to reunite with continued to gaze at her with a confused expression. Did he not recognize her?

Then it all came flooding back to her. He was indeed Loki, but he was not her Loki. It was all their fault. Every devastating moment she spent with her eyes trained on him, longing to run to him and embrace him, every tear she shed, the TVA was to be held accountable for it all. Every single wave of pain which brought a fresh set of tears to her eyes was their fault. And it took mere seconds for her pitiable state to be converted into a state worth fearing. Her anger received transcendence, and the people around her took multiple steps backs, their hearts bursting in anticipation and trepidation alike.

They will pay for this. They've brought this upon themselves, and hellfire shall now rain down upon them.

She would slay them all, every member of the TVA (all except for Mobius, for he had proven to be a worthy accomplice and good friend) if it meant that she could get her Loki back. She would get her Loki back. They may have pruned her, they may have pruned hundreds of variants identifying as Loki alone, but now they would feel her wrath.

She had already lost enough.

The variant, namely "President" Loki, who looked exactly like your Loki raised his eyebrow, observing how your eyes turned black and you were elevated several feet off the ground. He was realizing just now how limitless and powerful you could be.

In truth, he was somewhat a little touched that any Y/n variant would go to such lengths to get a Loki variant back, but then again, Y/n and Loki were two beings who could never be separated from each other. They would always find each other again. This was what he used to believe, too. But this Y/n was different. He sensed a fire burning inside her, the flames of which seemed to be getting stronger by the passing minute. She could destroy worlds and timelines alike to get her soulmate back.

He took a step back himself, in truth a bit intimidated by her form. And then he heard a faint voice. Someone calling out. As the sound became audible and comprehensible, one could just make out a muffled,"Y/n!"

She heard it too, and turned her head towards the source of the exclamation. Standing there, in all his glory, was her Loki. She could feel that he was hers, the same Loki who used to braid her hair to calm her down. The same Loki who she grew up playing warriors with. The same Loki who let his guard down in front of her. The same Loki who wholeheartedly embraced her being. Her personality, her physical form, all her imperfections. Her Loki.

All the rage vanished instantaneously, leaving behind a calm, serene, silence. She could feel her heart beating, could hear it beating for him. And there he was, now standing ten steps away from her.

At that moment, it seemed as though the world stopped moving. Everything else was frozen, perhaps deemed unimportant by her subconsciousness, and all that mattered was Loki. He was now running to her, and then she felt his arms encircle and wrap around her. All she felt was joy, disbelief, worry and love. An astonishing amount of love. She pulled him closer, and all they both felt was how good it felt to be reunited again. To be whole again.

Seconds later, they both pulled away. Gazing deep into each other's eyes, each memorizing how the other looked. Their smiles were pure, and they were happy.

And just like that he was kissing her. The kiss was filled with emotions and told her all she needed to know. She reciprocated eagerly, both of them fitting together as though they were the two missing pieces of a puzzle. The two pieces which completed the story.

The rest only cast their eyes downwards, some witnessing the moment the universe once again united Loki and Y/n, the misjudged, misunderstood pair. If only every story had such a happy ending, for throughout time, there were millions of untold stories. Stories of the two mischief makers who found solace in each other. Stories of betrayal, of loss, and of gain.

"Okay lovebirds, cut it out! We've got a TVA to overthrow." Mobius quipped from somewhere within the crowd.

Fair enough.

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