The Mark: Part 2

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Thoughts in italics.


Loki. That was his name. He had already done much damage, and the "heroes" assigned to deal with him, were now standing, bickering non-stop. At first the oh so civil 'conversation' had intrigued you, and you had listened; Was S.H.E.I.L.D. really using the tesseract to build weapons? Not only that, but the weapons were not ordinary, no. They were weapons capable of causing mass destruction. Was this legal?

You internally berated yourself. This was S.H.E.I.L.D. , affiliated with the government, it would not indulge in.. illegal activities. Right?

Then the conversation had turned towards Stark, and from that moment on, everyone was targeting everyone.

It was hilariously depressing.

You were thankful you were not a part of this argument. You did not want to be on anyone's bad side, as you did have powers, but you had barely used them throughout your entire life, so you had no idea what you would do if there was a physical confrontation.

You had stayed back when Natasha and Steve, both of whom were surprisingly friendly with you, had flown to Germany to arrest Loki. You weren't ready for that sort of action yet ; Instead, you had worked on rekindling control on your powers, and you were happy that you had done it successfully so.

When the quinjet had returned, you were surprised to see that with Steve and Natasha, there had also been Tony, and the Norse God Thor. Along with his brother, Loki.

You didn't know why, but you had not expected Loki to surrender this easily. Half of your mind was convinced that Loki would put on a fight, which he did, but you somehow knew that he didn't give his best in the fight. The other half expected him to not be caught at all.

After all, he was a God.

Am I admiring him? No, I should seriously stop being lost in my thoughts-

Your surroundings gained your attention again, as you realized everyone else was quiet now. Only Tony and Steve were eating each others heads off.

And then, as Bruce spoke, the horrifying realization hit everyone in the room at the same time. He had tried to commit suicide?!

Bruce, during his revelation, had unknowingly picked up the scepter, which confirmed your suspicions. You all were being manipulated by the power within the scepter.

What if this power also manipulated Loki?

Your trail of thoughts was interrupted by a sudden beeping, which Bruce quickly investigated, after muttering, "Sorry kids, you don't get to see my party trick after all."

The location of the tesseract had been discovered, followed by a little more bickering, and Steve and Tony eating each others heads off again, but as you looked at Bruce, he seemed... shocked? And worried-

Then there was an explosion, and you were blasted back a short distance because of the impact of it.

Steve helped you up, and told Tony to put on his suit. Everything after that passed in a haze. You tried your best to contribute to the fight, and in the end, you were proud to say that you had knocked down two men from among those who had started attacking you and Steve. Tony was trying to get the damaged turbine to function again, and thankfully, he succeeded.

You had used your powers to attack those two men, and it turned out that one of them was dead, not 'knocked out', as you had suspected.

Wow, I'm gonna have an ego boost now-


By the end of everything, Loki had escaped. Thor had been tricked and had ended up in Loki's holding cell, which had then plummeted to the ground, Clint Barton had regained his consciousness and the scepter's control over him had diminished, thanks to Natasha, Bruce had ended up crashing through an abandoned factory, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Phil Coulson (A fellow Captain America fan) had sadly died, and you had gained the nickname 'Flame', the title bestowed upon you by Tony.

It was a lot to process. You weren't sure of anything anymore, but one thing was clear; This 'Loki', the Norse God of Mischief and lies, very much intrigued you. You were fascinated by him. His 'brother', Thor, was nothing like him. Thor was... He seemed like a person who tended to function by relying on brute strength, whlist, as you had observed him, you realized that Loki on the other hand, was much more calm and calculated. He didn't lack strength, no, but his strength was more prominent in the form of his lean features, instead of stacked up muscles like Thor. You somehow felt a strange connection to him.

You could say without a doubt that Loki used to be handsome. He still was, but to you, he seemed... Hollow.

Like the shell of the man he used to be.


Loki Laufeyson, or Friggason, as he would prefer while referring to himself as, was a son. A brother. A God. A Prince. No, A king.

And he realized that he was making a grave mistake with this taking over Midgard ordeal.

But could he do anything? No.

Anyway, Midgardians were in dire need of leadership, and he was certain that he could lead them into greatness.

He was burdened with a glorious purpose. But he was unsure of himself now, more than ever. And to increase his to his seemingly ever growing discomfort, there was this underlying fear in the depth of his mind.

What if my 'soulmate' is a Midgardian?

What if I have already caused harm to them?

He kept assuring himself that he simply didn't care. But, alas, the God of Lies was unable to lie to himself.


This is story line is really longer than 13 y/o me thought it would be

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