The Mark: Part 4

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The battle was over. Loki had been taken to Asgard, and you were uncertain of what to make of this. Were you relieved that the earth was no longer threatened? Yes, you were. After getting over the general shock of the soulmate revelation, you had defended New York, but were you disheartened that your soulmate was taken away from you? Yes, you were.

So were you happy when Thor and Loki returned to Earth?

Maybe you were.

Loki had been exiled from Asgard, and he was supposed to work with the Avengers and live with them, under their and Thor's supervision. His 'magic' had been stripped away from him and he were to regain it by proving himself, if ever.

You, on the other hand, were still in a daze. Sure, the entire team knew of your connection to Loki at this point, and thankfully they never commented on it (Not in front of you, at least), but your soulmate was a God, for God's sake-

This is all so confusing!

Then Loki was assigned the room right in front of yours, which, you later found out, was due to arrangements made by Thor to get you two closer.

The rest of the Avengers, already fond of you, were not happy about this, but they played along.

The God ignored you, and you ignored him. Your mark was now a faded black color, barely noticeable, due to your soulmate not having any physical contact with you for (arguably) a long amount of time.

The marks were supposed to disappear completely when the two soulmates reciprocated and confessed their "undying love" for each other, and their soulmate's name was supposed to appear on their wrist, similar to a tattoo, forever embedded into one's skin.

A sign that they were meant to be, that their "love", or bond, could surpass all challenges and was infinite.


You wanted to grow closer to Loki, to give him a second chance, but you weren't sure how to approach him.


Loki was enraged. Extremely enraged. Why must he stay with these mewling quims? Why could he not suffer his sentence in Asgard, in peace? Why was he assigned a room right in front of his "soulmate's", the white door, almost always closed, being a stark reminder of how both of them were so close yet so distanced?

And why did he hate the distance?

The God, now sitting in the library (A miserable excuse for a library really - His personal library in Asgard was so much better!) of the newly remodeled and reconstructed Avengers tower, reflected on his actions throughout the past few days.

The new-found 'connection' was terrifying. It scared him to no end, although he would never admit it. The mortal, whose name he had discovered to be Y/n, already held a place in his heart, an advantage, and he barely knew her!


As you entered the library, your favorite spot in the tower, you sensed another presence here.

Somehow, the presence was comforting. It was foreign but felt like home at the same time.

Your eyes found the source of the mysterious presence, only to discover none other than your soulmate seated where you usually sat.

Should I stay?

What if he doesn't want me here?

Pfft, I've been here longer than he has.

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