The Peace Treaty (Loki)

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You were a hybrid. A half fire giantess, and an influential one at that. Being the adoptive daughter of Surtur, the guardian and ruler of Muspelheim himself, while also being a hybrid as a half fire giantess and half human creature, the population of fire giants in your home land had mixed views about you. Yet in the end, they would stand by what Surtur commanded, and Surtur had handed the control of the army over to you.

You had been training your entire life for this gratifying occasion, yet now that you finally had the control over the army, your army, Asgard had started causing disruptions in your terrain. This was a welcome development according to your very own ideology, as what could be better for a new leader than to prove them self in battle? But Surtur had different ideas.

"What? No, I am NOT marrying an Asgardian!" You exclaimed, fury clouding your vision.

"This is not a request, it is an order which you must follow if your loyalty lies with Muspelheim. Besides, the Prince of Asgard you will be marrying is not an Asgardian by birth. He is from Jotun descent." Surtur growled. He had never been much of a "father". You both were merely associated by such familial titles due to formalities.

"Prince Loki?" You scoffed. "There is no way in hel that I shall marry him. Or any other creature on positive terms with Asgard. Or linked with Jotunheim."

"You have no choice in the matter. This is politically crucial for us. We fire giants are not capable of facing and advancing against Odin in battle at the moment, so towards peace we must commence. This is not up for debate. You have been excused. Go bid your farewells, you will be escorted to Asgard soon."

And just like that, your life was about to change. For the better or for the worse, you did not quite know yet, though you largely suspected it was for the latter.


Loki was suspicious when he was summoned to Odin's court, and when upon entering said location, he saw Frigga, his mother, gazing at him with a sorrowful smile, and Thor sharing the look. Odin sat high up in the throne in all his glory, and his voice boomed around Loki (to his disdain) as he said, "Welcome, son."

The title, proclaiming familial relations with Loki made the God of Mischief all the more suspicious regarding the ordeal.

"What do you want?" He glared at Odin icily.

"Straight to the point, I see. Well, what I want- No, what I am making you aware of is that you are to be wedded to Y/n, the fire giantess and daughter of Surtur. Your marriage with her would pave way to better relations between Asgard and Muspelheim. She will soon be escorted to Asgard, and will reside with us." Odin pronounced what was now to be Loki's predicament.

"I will do nothing of such accord." Loki spat. He didn't care about who he was being wedded to, it was just that he did not want to marry anyone, although it was the fact that it was a fire giantess Odin expected him to marry willingly that infuriated him the most.

"You do not have a choice in the matter. This was an announcement. I made you aware of the peace treaty and your role in it, and I expect you to fulfill it."

Loki clenched his jaw, but was not naive enough to miss the threatening undertone in Odin's speech. He did not wait to be excused, turned around and stormed off to his chambers.

Why in the Norns must he be a part of this treaty? Thor could also marry Y/n- but he was too engaged and busy with his mortal lover to partake in such serious affairs.

As soon as he entered and slammed the door to his room and summoned the Aesir's sorcerous abilities, ready to trash his room in another fit of rage, there was gentle knocking on the door, after which the intruder let himself in.

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