The One (Peter P.)

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Peter Parker was getting closer to you, with every panicked step you took towards a relatively safe area. It was futile, however, to ignore the faint whooshing sound of a web slicing through the air, and to try to keep running, knowing he was no longer behind you but around you, crawling on the walls, his sole target: You.

You increased your pace, and just as a web flew by you, opened a portal and dived in it. The portal led you outside, in the large backyard, with immaculately trimmed grass.

You kept running, hoping to find someplace you could hide before he figured you were in the yard, and eventually stumbled upon a bunch of trees placed in a manner that allowed one to be shielded if they stood behind them. Yet to insure utmost security, you went one step further and quickly scaled the tallest tree, obtaining multiples of scratches yet none enough to deter you from your current mission: Climb the tree and look out for the threat.

Yet you should have known better. Your opponent was Spider-Man, for Loki's sake. Peter Parker, the smartest teenager you had come across. It took him 5 minutes to figure out where you were, and now you could see him as he walked around in the backyard, a smirk plastered on his face.

You withdrew further back into the leaves, hiding yourself from view. But that was a dead giveaway.

The branch you were balancing yourself on gave way, and you ended up falling face down.

Luckily, your powers activated on instinct and you hovered centimeters above the ground, centimeters away from breaking your nose at the least.

And that got his attention.

He turned towards your direction and dashed, a reaction which led to you shrieking and scuttling away. He pounced on you and started the ceaseless onslaught of torturous tickles.

It was over for you.

"Please- Have mercy!"

"You've brought this upon yourself." A smirk.

"I-" Gasp. "I'm sorry-" A wheeze.

A giggle from him.

A howl of laughter from you.

And then the ground beneath you opened up, causing you to fall but closing instantaneously, just a millisecond before Peter fell in.

Another portal opened up above Peter, who now gazed at the grass in confusion. But it took mere seconds for that confusion to turn into fear.

Oh, he was so dead.

You dropped from the portal, now on top of Peter, lips stretching in a mischievous smile.


"You're such a poser," Peter chuckled.

You gasped melodramatically, putting a hand on your chest and feigning hurt.

At this point, Peter's mouth actually hurt from smiling so hard.

"Anyway, it's my turn now, and you have five seconds to run, Parker. 5, 4, 3-"

Peter didn't stay to listen to the rest of the countdown, struggling out from beneath you, and when you barricaded the exit in vain, shouting, "Hey, that's no fair!"

Then he leapt into the air and swung away as quickly as he could.

"2, 1. I'm coming, Peter," You shouted, smirking at the distant yell you heard, answering your own.

Peter, on the other hand, was swinging and panicking simultaneously. If she'd catch him, it'd mean certain death. And even though he'd probably not mind dying at her hands, he wanted to die with a little dignity.

So his cause of death being 'excessive tickling' was not an option.

But he could feel her getting closer every passing second. He could feel the low thrum of energy he felt when she was around, using her powers. He could almost smell her.

"Caught you."

Peter stopped swinging, eyes wide with surprise.

He looked left. He looked right.

She wasn't there!

Where was she?!

"And so we meet again, " she whispered, as her arms wrapped around his torso, materializing right in front of him, causing him to shriek in surprise and let go of his grip on the web.

He found himself staring into her beautiful, captivating eyes as they fell, but then his mind caught up with him as he quickly shot another web at the tower, leaving both of them to hang midair.

She chuckled, her voice like music to his ears, and Peter felt her finger tips tracing small circles on his back as she clung on to him.

Peter made his way to the top of the tower, preparing himself to take off in the air as quickly as he set her down, to attempt a last ditch effort. He was aware that it'd most likely be in vain, but hey, a boy could dream.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, Peter jumped from the tower, and as expected, she acted immediately, casting open a portal right in front of him.

And that led to him stumbling right back in front of her. She smirked.

It was actually over for him now.

In a split second, she was on top of him and started tickling him nonstop.

"You-" Peter couldn't stop the giggles which escaped his mouth.

"You can't do that-" Some more laughter, which she enjoyed hearing.

"To- to Spider-Man-" Arms flailing helplessly as her feather-light touch glided from over his stomach to the regions she knew were the most ticklish when it came to Peter.

"I can do whatever I want." She teased him as she continued tickling him to no end, her assaults getting Peter light headed as he howled with laughter.

This was the most fun he'd had in a while. Then again, his life had become frighteningly bright, cheerful and beautiful when the equally bright, cheerful and beautiful Y/n had become a part of it.

He reflected back on these moments, as later on both of them sat together during movie night, limbs entangled with each other's. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," she said the lines as they were spoken in the movie, and Peter couldn't help but give her a sweet, short kiss. She smiled at the pure interaction, and snuggled closer to him. He was her everything.

And as for Peter, the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions raging through his head made him giddy. She was the one who filled him with butterflies in his stomach. She was the one who listened to his rambles about Star Wars and Star Trek without complaint. She was the one who knew just how he liked his sandwiches and coffee. She was the one he wanted to say the three words to. She was the one who filled him with joy, who made him forget all the painful things, and she was the one who he wanted to see walk down the aisle, towards him.

She was the one.

Just like he was, for her. 

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