The Peace Treaty: Part Two

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As you stood at the balcony of your chambers, admiring the beautiful night sky of Asgard, you thought of only one person: Loki. He plagued your thoughts.

It had been a month since you were sent off to Asgard, and the man had not once spoken to you, even though you had attempted to reach out.

As much as his behavior puzzled you, it angered you more.

He must understand that both of us are not here by choice! We need to resort to a solution to this predicament of ours together.

During the week you had been here, you had become somewhat comfortable. You had no issue in roaming the hallways of the Palace at night, even though on more than one occasion you had ended up being lost.

But your curiosity and thirst for adventure was not satiated yet, and so you decided to venture out right now, too.


Walking through the hallways of the Palace, his desired destination being the Royal Gardens, where he would sit by the fountains and read in peace, Loki thought of Y/n and how he always seemed to regret his actions as soon as he gave her the cold shoulder. After all, even if he wanted to keep her at a distance emotionally, it wasn't really her fault that she was here, just as Frigga had said.

Perhaps I'll try acting better and more sincere with her the next time I see her, he thought. Truth be told, he was really trying to make himself angry because of this arrangement, but if he was being honest to himself, on some level he thought that this "relationship" could work.

It was only a matter of putting enough effort into it.

Sighing, the God forced his worries and temptations aside. He walked outside, into the Gardens, only to discover that the bench which he usually sat upon, one right next to the fountains (providing a spectacular view of the beauty of the Garden along with the relaxing scents in the air) was occupied. By none other than the woman he had come to admire, desire, and avoid. Y/n.


After fifteen minutes of walking through the long and quiet corridors of the Palace, you found yourself at one of the lower floors, and in front of the entrance to the Royal Gardens. The place seemed enchanting and peaceful enough to put your mind at rest, a notion stimulated by the fact that no one else would be here to interrupt you if you chose to waste away your night in solitude.

A particular spot caught your eye. An inviting bench, placed at some distance from a cluster of other seating arrangements and a grand gazebo, but quite near to a beautiful marble fountain. The sound of the water trickling and splashing comforted you, accompanied with the refreshing scent of the garden, no doubt due to enchanted flowers and such plants.

And so you sat there. Just thinking about the puzzling, dark prince, about your growing annoyance and attraction to him, and about your foreseeable future, which brought an unnerving sense of uncertainty to you.

But then you sensed another presence behind you, and turned to see the man whose thoughts haunted, fascinated and attracted you.

His eyes portrayed confusion and surprise upon seeing you, but to your surprise, they lacked annoyance. And anger. He then cast his eyes downwards, but instead of walking away and avoiding you like he usually would, he made his way to the bench you were now tensely perched on, and sat down next to you, albeit at some distance. You relaxed slightly once realizing he posed no threat, and went back to gazing at the night sky while contemplating the odds of a happy ending in your "story".

Loki, on the other hand, was panicking inside.

Was this too soon? Should I not have sat next to her? What is she thinking of me right now?

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