When It All Goes To Shit (Loki)

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Raindrops pattered against the window, producing a comforting sound. It was dark in your room, the only source of light being a small lamp on your bedside table, providing roughly enough illumination to let an outsider decipher a lone shape curled up in a ball on the bed.

Your shoulders shook with each silent sob you let out, your hair was all matted up and stuck to your face because of your tears, and your lips quivered, eyes filled with strong emotions. A new wave of sadness washed over you, and you ended up clutching at your pillow harder, hoping to somehow bound yourself to sanity, to somehow put an end to your misery.

It was all too much. Too much to bear. The constant bickering, the anger, their behavior despite your vocal remonstrances, the highest of high expectations, the never ending upbraiding and berating, it was overwhelming. Adding to that was stress that college was giving you, along with the terror the aspect of the future nearing you with every breath you took brought. And then the unnecessary friendship dramas, situationships. Overthinking came second nature to you now.

Life was difficult. Very difficult. Of course, you reasoned, many millions have it worse when compared to you, but currently you were mentally damaged beyond repair. Or maybe not just yet, but that outcome was edging frighteningly near with every word you took to heart, and every time you had to explain yourself.

You certainly hadn't expected this from life. Growing up, you had had high expectations, even. But life had its own mindsets and opinions.

And according to them it was only about to get worse. Worser still.

And so silently, you weeped. By day time, you'd paste a smile on your face, pretend everything was okay while internally you were screaming, wanting to rip other's throats out. Aggression or depression, these were the resultants of every harsh and mentally scarring situation you withstood.

But right now, you cried. You screamed while you still could. And although you cherished the isolation, it could be too much at times. This was one of those occurrences.

While within the cocoon of blankets you were buried under, you heard a knocking sound. The stranger was here.

You'd first seen him about a year or a bit longer ago. You'd noticed that he seemed to appear whenever you felt emotionally or physically overwhelmed, and overworked. When the nerve endings and muscles in your body were screaming at you to just take a break, a request which you always declined, you saw him. More so, felt him. His presence brought the sensation of winds blowing gently around you, caressing you and providing you with an unexplainable sense of relief.

When you saw this mysterious being, you were blown away by his beauty. His black, slicked back hair looked so good. It made you want to run your hands through it. His eyes, a mix between the color blue and green, reminded you of the ocean. His face, which seemed as though it was sculpted by the greatest of artists, drew you to him. His jaw seemed as though it was sharp enough to slice through diamonds.

And his aura: His aura radiated mischief. It could be innocent mischief at times, and on others, it could be purely chaotic. But for some reason you never felt threatened by this complete stranger who seemed to always calm your raging sea of thoughts.

He confused you, but you were also captivated by him at the same time, and merely thinking about it made your brain hurt.

As soon as another knock sounded, you were jolted out of your dreamy stupor. You rushed forward to the window, unlocked and opened it, and in flew a beautiful raven with sleek, black feathers and piercing green eyes. His eyes always seemed to turn green when he used his sorcerous abilities, or magic, to put it bluntly.

The raven attempted to dry himself, and upon succeeding, flew up to perch gently on the corner of your bed. He tilted his head and looked at you, a questioning look in his eyes.

"No, I'm okay." You mumbled, and the raven let out a little disbelieving caw. ​​​​​​

"I'm fine, really." A smile threatened to tug at your lips now. He always seemed to lift your spirits.

The raven hopped closer to you, and eventually nuzzled his head against your palm, letting out another small caw. ​​​​​​

"Nah, it's all good." You attempted to smile, failing miserably so.

The bird let out what could only be described as a small huff, and then all of a sudden the stranger was sitting on your bed, both of you maintaining a close proximity.

"So you're really not going to tell me?" Loki raised an eyebrow, cupping your face with one of his hands while the other held yours, tracing small circles on it.

"There's nothing to tell." You gazed into his eyes dreamily, willing to escape reality, to spend a few peaceful hours in his company.

"You really think I won't know when something is hurting you? Darling, you've been in my protection for more than a year now. It'll be okay. Talk to me." His words hung heavily in the air for a moment, while you composed yourself to begin talking, because how could you ever hide anything from him? He knew you like the back of his hand.

"It just- It's all going to shit." Another tear escaped your eye. "Nothing makes sense. I'm not sure what the future carries, my parents think of me as a let down- I'm scared of people, of their expectations, their harsh words, it's too much." You gulped, gazing at a distance, fretfully. "I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"Oh dear, come here." He spread his arms wide, motioning at his lap. It was an intimate position, and an intimate request, one which you instantaneously abided.

"You know it'll get easier, right?" You mumbled something indecipherable, your voice muffled because your mouth was pressed up against his neck. He chuckled.

"I'll make it easier for you, darling. I'll make it better. After all, I am a God, aren't I?" He smiled cheekily.

"Shut up and cuddle with me." You managed to pry your face away from him, which was a fairly difficult task considering you were perfectly content with being sat on his lap, and nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, while inhaling his heavenly scent. It was blissful.

"Alright, I yield." He smiled, the mere sight of which gave you an intense case of butterflies. And then he gently lay you in a comfortable position, laying next to you and spooning you from behind.

He loved it when he could touch or smell your hair. He loved to play with it, and you loved the sensations the experience brought with it. Thus one of his hands lay looped over your stomach, holding you close, while the other hand was busy playing with your hair.

And so you both lay together, his presence and him claiming your thoughts and providing you with relief, with happiness, and your presence providing the same comfort to the chaotic, devious yet charming God.

"Darling, I swear I'll never let anything or anyone hurt you. I'll always be there for you, even when it all 'goes to shit', in your own words."

Loki and Peter Parker Imagines (X reader)Where stories live. Discover now