Chapter 13 Sweets

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Aarav couldn't help but worry about his mom. This is the first first longest time that he has been without her. 4 days without his mother. How he missed her hugs and cuddles. He missed her so much.
He couldn't help but feel little jealous seeing Pari with both her parents living happily.

Tara's POV
I miss my champ (Aarav). The house feels so empty with him. I miss his silence and his cute smile.
(End of Pov)

Three days later Aarav was busy sketching a picture of his mom , dad and himself.Suddenly , the sketch became Blur and so did the surrounding around him .He tried blinking several times to clear his vision but all were in vain .His mumma always told him to eat something sweet during times like these .

In their house , he knew where the sweets were .There were even emergency chocolates on their night stand . But where are the sweets here ?? He quickly stumbled and made a beeline to the kitchen hoping to find any sweet .

Arnav , Akash , Nk and Mama had gone for work .Payal and Anjali also go for work but didnt go that day since Pari and Aarav were on vacation . HP had gone out to buy groceries.Manorama had gone to temple.

Upon reaching the kitchen , he quickly opened to the fridge to find nothing Sweet and damn it .why did they have to keep sugar on the top shelf .

Damn it He searched again for any candy or chocolate only to find nothing of any sort .

Pari had just finished colouring and came back to drink water when she found Aarav lying on the floor semi conscious.

She immediately yelled "Maaaa.Buaaa.Naniiii"

The ladies rushed hearing the commotion and were shocked to find Aarav in such state .

While Anjali shaking his shoulder while Payal sprinkled water on his face , Nani and Pari looked for sugar and candy .

Aarav blinking his eyes ,slowed looked at them sweaty and tired.

The ladies knew this with experience(ie Arnav's diabetes history) that Aarav's sugar level must have gone down and immediately provided him with chocolate.Aarav tried to grab hold of it and eat himself but failed weakly .Pari fed him chocolate like a dutifully sister .

Soon after some time , Aarav was feeling better and tried to get up on himself. Reminding Anjali of his brother, who was always independent and didn't like to take help , she helped him up to stand on his feet .He swayed sideways and Payal balanced him .

They would just taken two baby steps when Aarav fainted on Payal's arms alarming everyone .Payal immediately placed him in Arnav's bed while Anjali called Arnav's doctor .Pari hugged Nani , scared for her big brother . Doctor arrived in no time and told that his sugar level had down extremely low and that was why he had fainted .

He told them to keep his diet well balanced. Just then , the landline rang .Pari had raced to answer it .(There was a ALWAYS a race between Aarav and Pari on who would pick the phone)

"Hello " she answered

"Hi Baby .It's Arnav Mamu"

"Hi mamu ."

"Sweetie ask Aarav if we three can go out for a movie "

"Now ??"

"Yes sweetie "

"But mummy told I can't go and play with bhai now."

"Why not sweetie ??" He was confused

(Pari and Aarav always played together and Aarav even played with her Barbie dolls and sat with her tea party ,even though he hated them but would do anything to see her smile )

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