Chapter 3

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"Hey, it's you..."

Jade looked away from the river to see the blonde that bumped into her in the rain smiling as he walked over to her. "Um hi."

"Thanks for not ratting me out to my brother the other day," he smirked. "He was trying to take my candy away from me, can you believe it?"

"But you're an adult," Jade said confused.

"And I'm the older brother, can you believe it?" he smirked.

"No," she shook her head.

"Well I am," he chuckled. "But anyway, what are you doing all the way over here by yourself? Come join me and my friends, we don't bite...much."

"I'm fine here," she shook her head.

"Hey Luke, get away from the freak and come dance with me!" A bubbly blonde-haired girl wearing a shirt two sizes too small shouted. "Come on!"

"Your fans are waiting," Jade smirked, "go on, I'm fine, really."

"Nope," he smirked, "I want to dance with you."

"I don't dance," she shook her head. "Really, it's okay, I got to go anyway."

"Luke, come the fuck on man!" someone shouted. "Let's party!"

"Come on, ignore the bitches and spend time with me and my friends," Luke pouted, "please? Pretty please with candy on top? I'll even share my secret candy with you."

Jade couldn't help it but burst into laughter at his pouting and puppy dog eyes.

"Lucian, what the...oh hey," the goth man that glared at her for not wearing a jacket said as he came over to them. "Forgot your jacket again I see."

"What are you the jacket police?" She asked, "it's not even cold outside tonight."

"Don't scare her away little brother," Luke smirked, "I'm trying to get her to come join us. She won't if you keep glaring at her like a gargoyle North."

"Shut up, Lucian," he glared at Luke.

Jade took a step back when she noticed they weren't paying attention then another, "hey where are you going?" Luke said turning to look at her. "You agreed to come hang with me and my friends."

"I did?" she asked confused trying to figure out when she agreed.

"Yep, now come on," Luke chuckled grabbing her hand and started pulling her over to the bon fire that was surrounded by a bunch of guys.

"Who do you have with you, Luke? A new friend?" a man with glasses asked as he looked up from his book. Jade watched him curiously, how could someone read with all this chaos surrounding them?

"Yep, and she's going to dance with me now," Luke beamed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Jade smiled when she heard the first couple beats of The Anthem from Good Charlotte. "Oh, you like this band?" Luke asked and she nodded. "Great, let's dance," he smiled as he climbed on the back of a nearby truck and pulled her up with him. She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, and they started dancing together.

"Who is that?" the man with glasses and book asked North as they both watched Luke dance with the purple haired girl.

"Don't know Kota," North shook his head. "But it's certainly interesting that Lucian has held his interest in her for so long. He's normally going from person to person."

"True," Kota nodded, "I don't think I can recall the last time he has hung out with someone longer than one song besides us and he's now on song three."

"He's probably just being friendly," North said still watching them. "You know how much of a social butterfly he is."

"Yeah probably," Kota said as he opened his book and went back to reading.

"Hey who is with Luke?" a man come up to them wearing a leather jacket. "Oh hey it's that girl."

"You know her?" North asked.

"Kinda," the man shrugged. "She bumped into me while I was on my way here. Some assholes drove by and shouted stupid shit at her."

"Fucking idiots," North growled as he watched Luke spin the girl then start swaying with her, making her double over laughing.

"Hey, you came!" the man with a leather jacket shouted as he headed over to the truck.

"Oh hey," Jade gasped as Luke caught her from spinning her again.

"Hey Brandon, you know Cupcake?" Luke asked curiously.

"Cupcake?" Brandon chuckled.

"Yep because she's sweet like a cupcake and you know how much I love cupcakes," Luke beamed. "How do you know her?"

"We bumped into each other earlier and I invited her here," Brandon winked at her. "Glad you came."

She shrugged, "had no where else to go, the other place was a drag."

"Well, I'm glad you came. Can I cut in?" Brandon asked.

"Sure, I'll get us some water," Luke nodded.

"Yuck," Jade scrunched up her nose making them both chuckled.

"Then what would you like?" Brandon asked as he got up on the truck.

"Vodka? Or Dr. Pepper?"

"We don't drink but I'll see if we have any Dr. Pepper left," Luke smirked as he hopped down.

"I really am glad you came," Brandon said as he slow danced with her.

"Me too," she said honestly.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Depends," she shrugged smirking. "What classes do you have?"

"Mr. Rothborn at 9?" she shook her head. "Mrs. Joneson at 11:15?" she shook her head again. He chuckled, "Well what classes do you have tomorrow?"

Her phone pinged and she gasped, "I have to go."

"What? Why?" Brandon asked as she looked around almost scared like.

"Hey, what's up?" Luke asked as he came back over with a soda can in his hand.

"I have to go," she said hoping down.

"Why?" they asked at the same time.

She rushed past them and disappeared into the dark ignoring their shouts. "What's wrong?" North asked curiously.

"She just took off," Luke pouted as he tried to follow her steps, "what's this?" he picked up a prepaid phone out of the dirt.

"Is it hers?" Brandon asked.

"Can you open it?" North asked.

Luke hit the power button and a message from a chat room popped up I'm hanging with some friends at the river. What about you?

Luke, Brandon, and North looked around then sighed in frustration seeing that practically everyone was on their phones.

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