Part 1

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It was five in the morning, and the sky was hosting the dawn as he made his way towards the gym. The only people around were security guards. As the end of October approached, the weather had significantly cooled down. Despite the thought of snow falling in a few months, a faint smile settled on his face. Even though the misty and rainy weather of England didn't make for his favorite winter season, at least it snowed a little.

He pulled his gray sweater up to his fingertips and fisted his hands inside, trying to warm them up. Squinting at his surroundings, he noticed a few foxes running around. When one of them saw him, it stopped and looked straight at him. He adored foxes, as evidenced by his tattoo just below his chest. The red fur of the fox was so beautiful.

As I made my way into the gym, my stomach embarrassingly rumbled, reminding me that I had skipped dinner the night before. Quickly scanning my surroundings to see if anyone had heard, my eyes landed on a man I hadn't seen in a few days. He was walking towards the treadmill and seemed to have stopped when he sensed my presence. He just stood there, staring at me with what I'm sure were black eyes. I frowned at him, feeling uneasy about his intense gaze. While there was no perverted expression on his face, I had a strange feeling that he wasn't quite normal. He responded by squinting his black eyes at me, then got on the treadmill. I noticed that he always seemed to wear black, with the occasional navy or gray. When he took off his shirt and tossed it aside, I couldn't help but feel my face flush. It was clear he didn't come to the gym every morning for nothing. Determined to focus on my own workout, I faced forward and pulled out my yoga mat.

30 minutes later, I found myself walking towards the direction of the man to grab a dumbbell, and I realized his eyes were on me again. As I walked closer to him, he got off the treadmill and stood there with his arms folded across his chest, still staring at me with an intense gaze. Standing before him, I tried not to look at his bare and sweaty chest and realized there was quite a height difference between us. He was probably over 6' tall. It was crazy to be standing here, staring into his eyes, when I didn't even know this man. He looked at me with a questioning expression and raised his eyebrows.

"Hi, I see you every day. I also see you looking at me every day. Every time I switch gyms, it doesn't seem like a coincidence to me that you join the Gym where I just started. I think you owe me an explanation," I blurted out, my words coming out in a rush. I could sense a flicker of emotion in his eyes, but soon his expression turned blank and empty.

"Hmm, aren't you going to talk?" I asked, growing frustrated with his silence.

He met my gaze briefly before his eyes roamed over my body. I felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny, and when his eyes met mine again, he untied his arms and turned away from me. Walking to the bike, he put on his headphones.

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