Part 12

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Playlists - Tom Odell - Best Of Day My Life

Part 12: Snow White and the Crow King

The view in front of my eyes was like a few colors mixed on a black and white canvas

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The view in front of my eyes was like a few colors mixed on a black and white canvas. The bright sun behind the gray sky showed that it was morning. However, it was so difficult to see the sun that we had to be in a high place. We had climbed up to the roof to see it. I also understood how the weather was determined here. Although the sky always looked the same, the sun rose and set, giving way to the moon.

I knew why Raven had brought me up to the roof. She knew that I loved the view. And frankly, I had a feeling that she knew a lot about me. My instincts had very little margin for error. As the slightly colder air of the roof brushed against my skin, I felt my sparse hair follicles standing on end. I realized that I enjoyed the feeling that formed in the palm of my hand as I ran my hands over my arms.

"Are you cold?" Raven asked, her black eyes wandering over the arms I had wrapped around myself. I couldn't understand how she could be so expressionless when she looked at me from below.

"No," I said, but continued to run my hands over my arms. I wasn't cold, I just liked the sensation. She didn't have a jacket to give me anyway. Black t-shirt, black jeans, black shoes... black everything. I guess her love for black would never end.

"Stop trying to warm up your arms like a hedgehog," she said in a blunt tone.

And she pulled me under her arms!

Her arms wrapped around mine, sharing their warmth as my back pressed against her chest. My eyes widened and my mouth slightly parted. My heartbeats...suddenly started pounding so hard that I thought it would burst out of my chest. When her hands clasped mine, I noticed that her palms were sweating, just like mine.

"Well, um...this...," I couldn't finish my sentence out of excitement, and I felt her lips curl. When she completely embraced me and hugged me close to her chest, even my exposed belly felt warm now.

"I don't want you to get sick," she said, and her lips moved immediately behind my hairline.

"Okay, okay..." When she squeezed my fingers, I couldn't continue my sentence.

"You're not having a heart attack, are you?" She asked in a pleased tone that was the opposite of her previous rude tone. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I was having trouble breathing.

"Just hugged, and you'd die if she kissed you," my inner voice chuckled, causing my body to tense even more.

"My Beautiful Camellia, are you okay?" She asked, but I was about to faint out of excitement. Why wouldn't I be okay?

"Yes," I said this time without stammering. But my voice still carried the excitement.

"I can tell," she said, then giggled. Was she laughing at me? I felt like such an idiot.

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