Part 20

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The following excerpt, up to the "❄" symbol, is from my book "Vampire Laws of Hiraerth," written from the perspective of the main character

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The following excerpt, up to the "❄" symbol, is from my book "Vampire Laws of Hiraerth," written from the perspective of the main character. Enjoy reading.


"Dragon?" I broke a long silence with my question. Alex's curious eyes turned towards me, scanning my face, while Dragon's gaze was fixed on Eleanora from the Neva girls. Their eyes, exchanging covert glances, turned towards me. Dragon's pale blue eyes were devoid of curiosity.

"Yes?" His voice was flat and uninterested.

"When was the last time you saw Hiraerth?" I asked, and his eyebrows furrowed. Glancing at the curious eyes turning towards us, I saw they were listening intently. His white fingers intertwined with his hair, and he paused for a few seconds.

"Right before he fell for Beymel's trick," he said thoughtfully. "I even thought he was dead, but that's impossible. I didn't dwell much on the possibility of his return to Sigori. But if you didn't find him there, where could he be?" he continued, and a rustle came from the girl sitting diagonally across from me, next to Mattia.

"Could it be that..." The voice belonged to Violet, with her deep purple hair. As she turned red under our gazes, she continued, "Like what you did to Beymel, could he have been enchanted?" At this thought, I froze. Would he do such harm to his own father? Yes, he would. Remembering the torturous years Hiraerth made him endure, I felt Beymel's resentment come to life in my veins.

"Damn it!" Dragon exclaimed, hitting his forehead. "That's very possible!" he said, standing up and biting his lower lip in thought.

"By hypnotizing, he could make any wizard do it," I said, and his eyes turned to me. Dragon nodded in agreement.

"Are wizards only from the lineage of the Sons of Fire?" I asked, and my eyes turned to a man named Raven. Listening to Goat's spells in Beymel's winged chamber, I still couldn't understand why it hadn't ended. We had been waiting in Christopher's garden for almost an hour. Goat hadn't let any of us inside the house.

"There are wizards from our lineage who call themselves Shamans," he said, and Christopher rose from the yellowed grass.

"Shira knows quite a few shamans," he said as Goat emerged from the house.

"And as far as I know, breaking a shaman's spell, especially of a dead one, is nearly impossible," Raven added.

"They had a wizard with them. They shattered the coffin and woke up Shira," Goat said immediately, wiping the small beads of sweat from his forehead. His dark brown eyes scanned us, tense. Everyone on the grass stood up and gathered around Goat. Faced with inquiring eyes, he continued with a worried voice, "This place is not safe for the girls. Shira could return at any moment. We need to take them to a safe place urgently."

"What will we do with Shira? Can't we find her location?" I asked, feeling like I was mispronouncing my sister's name used here.

"We need a place free of worry and secure. After all, they could start chasing us at any moment," said Goat, looking around.

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