Freddy as the hero ?

372 12 5

Contains sexy content ( not really )

One day , it got to unbearable for Freddy and decided to see Bonnie and explain . What he didn't know was that Bonnie was in danger . Bonnie was thinking thoughtfully in one of the many spare rooms when Mangle walked in .

" Please can you go Mangle " Bonnie asked smiling and being polite .

" No way ! Fuck you bunny bitch ! " Mangle shrieked and her eyes went red . Mangle viciously lashed at Bonnie making several deep cuts into her animatronic flesh . Mangle went for the kill ...

As Freddy walked by , he saw horror . Mangle was towering with her menacing claws over a cowering Bonnie . Bonnie . Freddy felt a heart attack coming along before grabbing a near chair and smashing it into Mangle . Mangle instantly powered off and Freddy saw that Mangle was badly battered . He didn't care . He wanted Bonnie . Bonnie was shaking before Freddy ran over to her .

" Bonnie ! " Freddy said gently , with a paper white face . Bonnie snuggled into Freddy's fur .

" Fr-eddy . It wa-s so sc-ary . I tho-ugh-t I was going to d-ie ! " Bonnie was sobbing into Freddy's fur . After five minutes , Bonnie's tears had subsided .

" Sorry I made you all wet " Bonnie said shyly

" It's ok Bon ! I'm more worried about you almost dying to worry about me being all wet " Freddy laughed .

" Freddy , sorry I was so horrible . I know that she was nasty and manipulative " Bonnie explained

" It's ok Bonnie . I was being weird . Me being with you means more than me being hurt by the claws " Bonnie and Freddy shuddered .

" Freddy " Bonnie said

" Yes ? " Freddy asked

" I love you " Bonnie stared into his eyes

" I love you too " Freddy whispered . They both locked lips dozingly . Bonnie felt like Freddy was extracting her pain away which Bonnie enjoyed immensely . As much as Bonnie wanted to open her eyes and look at Freddy's beautiful eyes , she felt so sleepy and Freddy's fur was so soft . Eventually , Bonnie drifted of into a peaceful sleep with her still kissing Freddy .

The morning dawned as bright as sun and when Bonnie awoke , she found that she was carefully positioned against the wall and saw Freddy smiling at her .

" Hey Bonnie " Freddy beamed

" Are you waiting for me to wake up so you can leave with me " Bonnie asked sneakily

" So " Freddy pouted " I wanted to help you because of your injuries "

Bonnie thanked Freddy before standing up . She felt a twinge of pain surge through her but she gritted through it and walked into the . Luckily , there was only a few people in there and Bonnie covered her scar up . Bonne and Freddy started chatting about stuff and Bonnie started to look at his eyes . They were crystal blue , merry and handsome .

" Bonnie ! " Freddy laughed waving his hand in front of her face .

" Sorry . I was just thinking about ... " Bonnie said quietly

" are you ok ? " Freddy asked

" I was just thinking about your eyes " Bonnie said

" My eyes ? " Freddy raised an eyebrow

" I think that they look beautiful " Bonnie murmured as Freddy went peach and hugged Bonnie

" Thanks Bon . I think all of you are beautiful . " Freddy kissed Bonnie briefly on the cheek .

" You do have nice eyes though " Bonnie smirked and Freddy brought Bonnie to his room ...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH whats gonna happen ? you don't know bitches ! JK ENJOY THIS CHAPTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonnie x Freddy FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora