I have title block

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You know writers block ? I have title block . I can never think of titles so yeah ....

Anyway enjoy this chapter ! This may contain Lemon , I don't know because for the first time in forever ( and NO I DON'T LIKE FROZEN ! ) I am writing this BEFORE I write everything else so you will see .... Aswell , enjoy this song . Its Tuesday by ILOVEMAKONNEN ft. Drake and is my fav song .

Also , Sorry if this may sound weird at the end . I don't know if I am going to publish this before France . Right now for me it is Saturday 13th June and we go tomorrow night at 10:30 pm . However , I may not finish it and have to finish on the 20th of June or 21st ( we come back at 01:00 am on " 20th so ... ) and it might sound queer or even rushed *shudder at the thought* . Whatever the date , enjoy the chapter anyway ! :-)

Update : its the 26th of June and am writing as we speak . If you wanna know , its 20:01 and I am English .

Bonnie felt a surge of anger . She didn't mean to . It's just that Bonnie felt anger rise out of nowhere when TBonnie mentioned ' getting it on ' with Freddy . Its not like she wanted to ... what if she did want to ? Freddy had obviously hinted before that he wanted to but did Bonnie . The purple bunny dwelled on the thought as she silently crept into the room . Freddy was still asleep . He must have been exhausted when Bonnie came around . It was only after several seconds of Bonnie next to Freddy , that Freddy stirred in his sleep .

" Bonnie ... no Bonnie ... please don't go " Freddy whimpered in mid sleep .

" I'm here Freddy . Don't worry " Bonnie stroked his forehead . Freddy couldn't hear her . Freddy woke up tears pouring down his flushed cheeks . The sobbing brown bear smooched Bonnie right on the lips as Bonnies arms went limp . Bonnie forgot how good Freddy kissed , how his beryl eyes sparkled dreamily in the sunlight ..... She had decided . The next time Freddy asked her if they wanted to have *** , Bonnie would say yes .

" Please don't leave me " Freddy said with tear filled eyes . Bonnie felt heartbroken with his sad sorry face .

" I'm never going to leave you fazbear . Never . " Bonnie whispered whilst stroking tufts of his ruffled chestnut fur . Freddy dropped of immediately and Bonnie could hear his slightly snoring after about 2 minutes . Bonnie watched Freddy fondly for a while before getting up to say her apology to TBonnie . Looking around for 5 minutes , Bonnie finally found TBonnie , looking very blue about something .  TBonnie looked up and when seeing Bonnie , stood up and rushed to her .

" Bonnie ! I'm SO sorry " TBonnie said brokenly . Bonnie walked over solemnly as TBonnie ran up to her crying and buried her face into Bonnie's neck .

" Please don't start . I don't want to have to  deal with TWO sobbing messes " Bonnie said stressed . TBonnie looked confused before Bonnie said " Freddy has been crying " .

" Why has Freddy been crying ? " TBonnie asked inquisitively .

" I don't want to talk about it " muttered Bonnie embarrassed as she looked away .

" Anyway , I'm sorry for everything " TBonnie said , eager to change the subject .

" It's ok . If you excuse me , I'm going to see Freddy " Bonnie smiled at her before skipping off , a pleasant feeling in her stomach . When she arrived back in Freddy's room , Freddy was still thankfully asleep . Feeling exhausted herself , Bonnie kissed Freddy goodnight before traipsing off to her bedroom . A good nights sleep would be amazing .

However when Bonnie woke up , she felt more drained than she had the night before . As she tried to sit up , Bonnie felt a searing pain in her head and winced in pain . This was more than a headache . She had to lay back down and felt extremely ill .

Meanwhile , everyone was worried about Bonnie . She was usually up bright and early and with a big smile on her face but today she was nowhere to be seen . Chica , worried dearly about her friend , hurried to Bonnie's bedroom and opened the door .

" Bon ! what has happened to you ! " Chica squealed .

" Please Chica ... I need help ... " Bonnie pleaded as she winced again from the pain . Chica ran to the others .

" I need help NOW . " Chica shouted . Mari , wanting to be helpful , went to Bonnie's room and when seeing Bonnie in her bed , glided over to Bonnie and looked at her intently .

" Bonnie . Can you hear me ?  " Mari said in a smooth calm voice .

" Y-yes Mari . Can you ge-get Fr-freddy . I want t-o see hi-m " Bonnie murmured with her eyes blinking slowly .

" Of course Bonnie " Mari said and glided back to where Freddy was standing . " Bon wants to see you " Mari whispered in Freddy's ear . Freddy just looked frightened as he walked to Bonnie's room and slowly opened her oak wooden door . Freddy gasped when seeing a frail Bonnie in bed , her skin very pale . When seeing Freddy , she managed a small smile before whimpering slightly . Freddy kneeled down and began to slowly caress Bonnie's tummy , his paws against her hot flushed skin . Bonnie felt better and calm with Freddy's touch and moaned softly . Freddy smirked and talked to her .

" Does that feel better " Freddy whispered softly as continuing his previous actions .

" Yes " Bonnie purred in agreement as Freddy leaned in towards her . His lips were already onto hers , urging for her body . Bonnie didn't put up a fight . She just let Freddy lead and she would follow . The magenta bunny liked this type of Freddy's kiss . It was gentle yet lustful and didn't hurt Bonnie's aching lips . Freddy meanwhile was looking steadily into Bonnie's face during the kiss and after several moments of letting Bonnie and himself enjoy the kiss , pulled away and his eyes glowed chalky white . Bonnie instantly fell in slumber in Freddy's arms . Freddy smiled before carefully lowering  Bonnie to her bed . Freddy's eyes had magical properties and could almost immediately make someone asleep . Now Bonnie could get some rest . Or so he thought ...

Also sorry for crappy chapter . I started on the 13th of June and finished just less than 13 days later ( 26th of June if you can't count ) so it might sound weird as always , enjoy the chapter and please listen to the song ! Very much appreciated ! :)  

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