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Hi guys for another chapter of Bonnie x Freddy fanfic . WARNING !  I have no idea how mating season works for animals ( just a random fact of the day ) also LEMON will be in this chapter maybe and definitely in the next chapter so yeah ....


During the night , Bonnie's condition worsened . She grew a extreme fever and began to violently vomit . She had to keep a bucket at her face otherwise she would be sick over her sheets . Everyone was worried especially Freddy . He couldn't bare his beautiful Bonnie hurt and fretted until he could see her . She was limp on her bed and had her bucket on the floor . She had stopped puking but her headache was as worse as ever .

" Bon ! " Freddy shouted and ran over to her . Bonnie was trembling slightly and kept moaning frequently . Freddy grasped her hand and stroked Bonnie's hand .

" What has happened to you " Freddy murmured with tears shining in his eyes . He ran off and Bonnie felt even worse than before and was crying when Mari came in .

" Bonnie , why are you crying " Mari asked in a gentle voice .

" N-nothing . " Bonnie said a blush forming on her face .

" Ok then . Bonnie , your in your mating season " Mari said expressionlessly .

" WHAT ! " Bonnie shouted before her mind floated over to Freddy she blushed even more . " No ! this can't be happening ! "

" Well it is Bon and you'll have to hold out for another 28 days until its over " Mari said softening " Now please at least TRY to relax . I know its hard but you just need to hold on , OK "

" OK Mari " Bonnie smiled slightly as Mari left . Her mind floated to Freddy again . His gorgeous face , his silky fur ..... Bonnie cringed . Not only did it hurt her dearly , it made her fantasise over Freddy . She wished more than ever that she had Freddy to hold her . Reassure her that it would be fine . Be there for her . But he had to stay away . Who knows what she might do to him . If she hurt Freddy , she would go insane and probably kill herself . She must warn Mari not to let anyone near her especially Freddy . After hours of intense thinking , her sides started hurting again and so did her crotch ( yes I said It ) and couldn't drift off because of the pain .

Meanwhile , Mari had come bustling into the dining room and unaware to Bonnie , had heard her saying about no one being allowed to visit her . Even though Mari disapproved of Bonnie in isolation , decided to follow Bonnie's orders as she WAS the ill person here .

" Listen up guys ! Bon is on Mating season and from now til the end of the mating season , no one I allowed to see her " Mari enquired . There was a rally of gasps from the others except Freddy who just looked depressed . Mari instantly felt bad . If Bonnie wasn't ill , she and Freddy would probably be happy and be chatting to each other but instead Bonnie was in her bed quarantined and Freddy was alone .


Instead of getting better , Bonnie became even more ill and Mari was getting more stressed. What was she gong to do ? Mari knew that Bonnie wouldn't survive the mating season unless something was done . Mari had to find a way ....

Sorry for the short chapter I'm really sleepy and hopefully will write tomorrow . ENJOY ! :)

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