Destiny's Chapter

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Hi, this is DestinyMCwriter, supercupcake asked me to write this chapter, and I happily agreed!! So, sorry if my writing standard doesn't match the awesomeness of cupcakes, I'm new to this game. I have quite a few stories and I would appreciate if you maybe check them out - two are FNAF!! But, anyway, I really do hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and thanks for reading!!

~A few days later~

Freddy was feeling so lonley. Bonnie being in quarantine, doubled with the fact that he got really angry when anyone attempted to talk to him, was making him feel so closed off from the world.
The boss stood up and walked to where Mari was pacing in Prize Corner.
"Mari, are you sure I-"
"Yes! Freddy, you absolutely can not see Bonnie!" She interupted.
"Why not?" Freddy asked.
"Because she told me to not let anyone near her!"
"Look, Fazbear, get it through that thick skull of yours, that until Bon's mating season is up, you can't visit her!"
"Fine!" Freddy yelled throwing his hands up.
A crash came from the kitchen.
"Shit!" Chica squealed. "Mah pots!"

'Why does he have to be so gorgeous?' Bonnie thought to herself.
"Fred-y" She let out, with extreme pain in her jaw. She squealed in agony.
T-Bonnie slid her slender frame through the door.
"Bon, everyone's so worried about you. You have no fucking idea how many times Freddy's asked to come see you. " She whispered to Bonnie.
There was a knock on the oak door.
T-Bonnie's eyes widened in fear. She ran over to the wardrobe, then jumped inside. Mari walked in.
"Hey Bonnie."
"Ma-ri. I want F-Fred! I need my Freddy!"
"You can't see him, not until mating seasons up!"
"I need Freddy, I love him!"
T-Bonnie made a noise loud enough for Mari to hear.
"What was that?" Mari got up and slowly made her way to the wardrobe T-B was hiding in.
She flung both doors open.
"Hi, Mari." T-B said with a cheeky grin.
"TOY BONNIE, HOW DARE YOU!! YOU KNOW BONNIE IS IN QUARANTINE, NOBODY BUT ME IS ALLOWED TO SEE HER!!" Mari chased T-B out of the room and into the dining area.
The Chica's ran in from the kitchen, Freddy ran in from the arcade and Mangle fell off the ceiling (she was climbing around, duh!!).
"What is going on?" Chica's yelled in unison.
"This is gonna be fun." Mangle thought out loud.
"MARI, WHAT THE FUCK? I THOUGHT NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO VISIT BONNIE!!!" Freddy bellowed above all the noise. There was a thump at the door and TFreddy was at Freddy's feet , looking groggy .
" What's all the commotion about ? " TFreddy said sleepily , before snoring and hitting his head on the floor in the process .
Freddy jumped over him, and ran to Bonnies room, the Chicas, Mari and T-B sprinting behind. Mangle strolled after them.
He stopped moving.
"Hi, guys. I guess you all decided to come visit!"
Everyone turned and look at the bed.
Bonnie was sitting up and smiling.
"What, is there something on my face?" She asked, her hands whipping up to her face.
Freddy pushed Chica out the way and walked over and pulled Bonnie into the tightest hug she had ever felt.
Bonnie and Freddy felt whole again.

I hope you guys like my writing. Check out my stories if you want, it'll be super appreciated. And check out some more of Supercupcakes fics. They're awesome!! I hope to see you on my stories,


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