To reader

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Hi and since I have been very busy lately ( crying and the other usual crap ) I have asked ma friend DestinyMCwriter to write a chapter for me as I am going away to the Dominican Republic Tomorrow for  2 weeks . They ( not saying which gender ) are going to be on ma account so if it gets published before 4th September , you know why . Also When I get back I will be looking at the comments and if ANY of you say anything about my friends chapter , I will fucking kill you ( yeah I am now aggressive :( ) Again THANKS for putting up with me and ma ways and enjoy the chapter that will  be coming soon !

P.S Those cute things are Henry and Orville from Luigi's Mansion for the GameCube . They are a boss ghost and is by far my favourite ghost of all time APART from the Red brute ghost from Luigi's mansion Dark moon because hey ! Who doesn't love them !  

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