Another message

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I know I've done loads of these messages but I have something to say . I know you won't give a shit but I'm saying it anyway . 

My names Ellie ( ya that's my name ) and I have depression . It usually isn't that bad except today it really shows . It started after our school playground when a boy said to my friend :

" Can you go behind me because I don't want to stand next to Ellie " .

At the time I didn't know he said that and only found out when my friend told me what he had said to her . I felt really down but didn't show it until lunchtime . At lunch I was really sad and my friend noticed ( destinymcwriter ) and talked to me . What was even more sad was I said hi to my other friends and only ONE out of the people there ( there was 6 ) said Hello and he kinda isn't my friend . I cried all of the rest of lunch and the lunchtime supervisors didn't notice . They did notice when someone cried about her boyfriend which isn't extremely important compared to people hating you .

I felt as if everyone was going to hate me and be mean to me . I still feel it now . This is what the message is that I want to say ...

After I go to France with the school , I'm thinking of ending my life . Suicide . I don't have nothing to look forward to . I don't care if you call me insane or call me a selfish bitch or a dick or a cunt . I just want to tell you that that's my plan .

Also I'm sorry for taking up your precious time and filling you with my worthless life . And after this chapter is finally updated ( it will take a few days ) , I won't be writing for a while . Again I'm sorry . Sorry .

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