Fight or Forget

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LIU: *sitting next to me on my bed* *kissed me on the lips*

ME: *eye widen then blushed* 0///0 *kissed back then started to push Liu away to take time to breathe* uhhh... hehehe ^_^" i-i'm sorry Liu... i just... uhm... need to breathe... im really not used to kissing someone >///<

LIU: hahaha... i understand ^_^ *kissed me on the cheeks*

ME: *kissed back*

NINA AND SALLY: *barge in* MOVIE MARATHON TIME!!!! woah... 0-0

ME: *quickly pushed Liu away making him fall of the bed* 0-0"

NINA: are we interrupting you guys... cause we can just come back later

SALLY: *giggles* are you guys making out with each other? :3

ME: uhh...hahaha no Sally *sweat drops* we were just... playing! yeah playing... ^_^"

LIU: *sit up* yeah Sally ^_^ we're playing a game

NINA: ok... we'll come back later when you two are done with your "game" *smirked then winked*

SALLY: *giggles then leave with Nina*

LIU: *looks at me* why did you pushed me?

ME: sorry...

LIU: *sat next to me then kissed my cheeks*

ME: *blushed* uhm... sorry for pushing you *head down*

LIU: hehe that doesn't matter *kissed me again* all i care is you're happy *smiles*

ME: *kisses Liu on his lips* heh... you really wanna make me happy? * pushed Liu to lie down  and kissed his cheeks*

LIU: *slowly back up* uhh... Sam are you alright? *blushes* 0///0

ME: * cuddles Liu* more than ok *grins then kissed his cheeks once again*

LIU: uhh *sweatdrops* maybe we should slo..

ME: *kissed him on his neck*

LIU: Sam...? >/////<" oh god please take it easy

ME: hehehe... *wide grin then kissed his lips*

LIU: *wheeeze* ahehe... *tries to back up then hold me on my arms* slow down Sam ^_^"

ME: *snapped out of it* er... wha? Liu? what are you doing? 0-0"

LIU: what do you mean, what i'm doing? you were kissing me like there's no tomorrow ^_^"

ME: i was? *noticed i was over him* oh dear! i-im sorry Liu! i-i dont know what im doing! *quickly backed away* oh no! *covered face with hands then keep shaking head* no no no no....

LIU: hey its àlright ^_^ really *hugs me*

ME: *cuddled him then think to self* the hell is wrong with me? why in the hell would i...? auuugh!

LIU: you alright?

ME: uh yeah! im ok *tries to smile*


JEFF: *lying on the floor* wow... now i realized that life is boring without Sam... no pranks, no cat fights, no corny jokes and no Sam to laugh at everything like a crazy hyena... *sigh* damn i never saw her since she never left her room

SADDIE: *also lying on the floor* hehe yeah... but you do know you could still visit her, right?

JEFF: yeah but going upstairs is so much work... i mean, have you even counted the steps on those stairs? there like 10 steps! can't you imagine the energy you'll use in every step?!

NINA: *lying next to Jeff* shush your face *facepalm Jeff* stop saying crazy stuff

MASKY: *sitting on a chair tuning his guitar* i have no idea why guitars are always not in tune even if you don't touch them for months... do they "untune" themselves?

JANE: hehehe... Masky made a joke :3

MASKY: but i wasn't joking

JANE: oh... *looked next to her and sees Hoodie sleeping on Jazzy's lap*

HOODIE: *sleeptalking* hehe yes Jazzy i would love to eat that cheesecake with you

JAZZY: ahaha.. he's sleeptalking again ^_^

JANE: aww... best couple

NINA: but i thought we were best couple *hugs Jeff* >_<

JANE: oh yeah... all of you are best couple! yeah whatever -_-

TOBY: *sitting on the floor next to Saddie* so bored

SADDIE: why not vsit Sam? *smirk*

TOBY: well i wanted to... but...

JANE: you're a scaredy cat?

SADDIE: you're shy?

MASKY: you're an idiot? -_-

JEFF: nice one Masky xD

TOBY: *glared at Masky* no... -_- Liu's always in her room

JEFF: jelly :3


SALLY: speaking of Liu and Sam... me and Nina saw them making out :3


NINA: *covered Sally's mouth* ehehe... they're not really making out... they're just... kissing actually

JANE: what?!

JEFF: yep, my big bro is awesome *grins*

TOBY: *glared at Jeff*

JEFF: *shrugs* sorry dude... but i support my bro too :3

TOBY: you know what *twitch* lets just not talk about that ok *gràbs his own guitar*

JAZZY: i'm still confused about you, Toby... you like her but you told her you dont? that doesnt even make any sense!

NINA: *pats Jazzy's back* yeah... we dont really get him sometimes

TOBY: well nobody really get me! thats the problem! *head down* shes the only one who really understands me and now... and now she's with somebody else

SALLY: Liu? but liu is her boyfriend so whats wrong with them being with each other... it is his privelege... mmmffptptt *mouth gets covered by Nina*

NINA: Sally, i know you are smart bt please shut up -_-

TOBY: no... she's right... why would i be sad when they are being happy? maybe i should just give up -_-

MASKY: yeah you shou...mmfft *mouth gets covered by Jeff*

JEFF: sshhhhshshsh... -_-

JANE: look Toby, if you really like her you should do everything you can and never give up... but you know, this is gonna be a decision for you to make... whether youll fight or forget

NINA: wow jane... that was so inspiring :3

JANE: *shrugs then looked at Toby* well? you really need to think about this

TOBY: hm

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