He Wants Me To Be Happy

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ME: *sleeping* *wakes up* *tummy rumbles* tummy, be quiet... *sigh* guess i'm hungry... *walks to the kitchen and opened the fridge* chocolate milk! *drinks chocolate milk* *looks out the window* *sees Percy outside*

PERCY: *playing flute*

ME: *walks towards Percy* hey!

PERCY: ohhh... hey... what are you doing here? it's 3:00 in the morning... ^_^

ME: well, i got hungry and went to the kitchen... then i saw you outside... *slightly blushed* uhh... i didn't know you can play flute...

PERCY: hehe... wanna here me play?

ME: uhh... yeah sure... :)

PERCY: *plays flute*

ME: *blushed* >///< *thinking to myself* ohhh gosh... he's playing flute for me... :3

PERCY: *looks at me* uhhh... Sam...

ME: uhhh... yeah?

PERCY: i'm going to leave tomorrow... so i wanna ask you something...

ME: *blushed* 0///0 you can ask me anything...

PERCY: i want you to be completely honest to me, do-do you li-like me? *slightly blushed*

ME: *stares at him* well... i-i liked you for a ve-very long time... and i sti-still li-like you... *blushed ultimately* 0/////0 why are you asking me this?

PERCY: *blushed* ^///^ well, i just want to know if we feel the same thing...

ME: wait! do you li-like me? *blushed* 0///0

PERCY: hehe, *slightly blushed* i liked you from the very first time we've met... *slightly blushed* but...

ME: but what?

PERCY: *holds my hand* but i want you to be with someone who is greater than me... the one that will always be with you... cause i want you to be happy...

ME: *looks at him* Percy...

PERCY: shush...hehe... don't say anything else, ok?... *pinched my nose then kissed my forehead* i like you... and i want you to be happy without me... *slowly walked away*

ME: *standing in place* *heart beating fast* *breathing heavily* *talking to myself* what just happened? he likes me but chose to let me go to find someone else that will make me happier... *smiles* *looks at Percy* uhh... wait! Percy?

PERCY: yeah?

ME: we're still friends, right?

PERCY: ofcourse... *smiles*

ME: you know, you are the coolest guy i ever met...

PERCY: *smiles* i know... *walks inside*

ME: *smiled*


ME AND PERCY: *sitting on the couch and watching TV*

OTHERS: *walks in* 0_0"

ME AND PERCY: hey! *waves*

HOODIE: ok... that's new... -_-"

SLENDY: *whisper* uhhh... is Sam and Percy going out?

OTHERS: *shrug*

PERCY: i'll make you guys some breakfast... *stands up and went to the kitchen*

JANE: *sat beside me* ok Sam... you got some explaining to do... what's with you and Percy?

ME: nothing... we're just friends, ok?

SADDIE: really? he's not your boyfriend?

ME: ofcourse not...

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