I Don't Know

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TOBY: *knocking on my door* uhhh... Sammy?

ME: *opened the door a little* what? -_-

TOBY: can i come in??? i just want to talk to you...

ME: no... you can't come in... i'm only giving you a minute to talk to me... time starts now...

TOBY: uhh... Sammy... i-i just want to te-tell you that i'm s-sorry and i didn't know tha-that you'll react like that... i'm really really sorry...

ME: first, don't call me Sammy... second, you don't have to apologize cause i was to curious to ask you... and three, i'm not mad, just a little bit disappointed... now will you excuse me, i got more important things to do *trying to close the door*

TOBY: *hold the door open* wait... are you still mad?

ME: i don't know... now let go... *slam the door close*

TOBY: *sigh* *whispered* i'm really sorry...

MASKY: *cough* if i were you, i should be jumping off a cliff...

TOBY: *glares at Masky* what is your problem with me?!! i'm only trying to apologize to her...

MASKY: do you even think she'll forgive you after you hurt her feelings?!! *crossed arms*

TOBY: why don't you just mind your own business?

MASKY: whatever... *rolls eyes* *walked downstairs*


ME: *drawing stuffs* *talked to myself* i can't understand him... he's always acting nice to me... but why doesn't he feels the same... *sigh* i really expected that he would like me... *a tear rolled down my eye* *realized that my drawing is all scribbled* gha... *covered face with my hands*

*knock knock*

EJ: Sam... it's EJ here... are you ok? i heard a scream...

ME: no... i'm fine... just talking to myself...

EJ: uhh... ok, just do your thing...

ME: yeah... *crampled papers* *sigh* so boring... -_-

*knock knock*

ME: what the?! who is it now?! *opened the door* what?!!

MASKY: uhh... i brought you cheese cake...

ME: ohhh... sorry for yelling... *blushed*

MASKY: no... it's ok... here *gives cheese cake*

ME: uhh... thanks... *looks at Masky* hey... uhh... do you wanna come in my room? *slightly blushed* it's a little bit boring when i'm alone... :3

MASKY: uhhh... sure *slightly blushed*


MASKY: so what are you doing here alone?

ME: hmm... well, drawing stuffs, listening to music, talking to myself and thinking of Helen Otis... *slghtly blushed* *eat cheese cake*

MASKY: you really like that guy, huh?

ME: *mouth full of cheese cake* werll, he'sh a gwreat paintewr... arnd i wreally like to draw... plus, he'sh sho cute... *blushed*

MASKY: hmm... you should swallow first... hehe...

ME: *swallowed* you really make these amazing!

MASKY: *looks at my cheeks* uhh... you got something on your... here let me get that... *wipes my cheeks* *slightly blushed*

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