Random Pool Party!!!

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ALL THE CPs: *lying on the floor*

MASKY: why is it sooo hot? *wearing a white shirt and shorts*

SADDIE: *wearing a sleeveless shirt and short shorts* well maybe if you take that stupid mask of yours off you'd feel more okay *cant even move*

MASKY: what... No way

EJ: *wearing a black shirt and not wearing his mask* it's like hell in here!!!!

JANE: *wearing a white crop top and short shorts* it is always hell when you're around hehe

EJ: i would punch you right now if i had the energy... -_-

TOBY: *wearing a grey shirt without his goggles and mask* cant we use the AC?

JEFF: *wearing black shirt and shorts* you broke it remember?

TOBY: oh yeah... Hey wait a second! You're the one who broke it!! >_<

JEFF: hehehe... Yeah :3

MASKY: yeah... And you guys killed the person who was supposed to be fixing it -_-

JANE: it was worth it :3

JAZZY: *still wearing her blue dress* cant we all go to the mall or something? It's cooler there!

SADDIE: the mall's closed due to reconstruction thanks to those two *gestured at Masky and Toby*


TOBY: *walking beside Masky* Hey Masky! Maaasky! Heeey Masky!! Masky! Hey Masky!!!

MASKY: what?! What the f*ck do you want??!?!

TOBY: HEHE~ i just wanna ask... What are we doing here again? *twitch*

MASKY: to buy Sally a new hair pin

TOBY: but why do i have to come with you? *gasp* you just wanna hang out with me dont ya *twitch* admit it Masky!!! :D

MASKY: N-No i dont!!! Slendy assigned you to go with me!!

TOBY: why tho? You're just gonna buy a hair pin *twitch*

MASKY: augh... I dont freaking know!!! Now will you shut the f*ck up??!

TOBY: you dont have to hide it Masky! *twitch* i know you want to be friends with me!! *twitch* ahahaha!!!

MASKY: dont you ever shut up??!?! *sigh* this is why i dont like working with you -_-

TOBY: but i like working with you!!! *twitch* you're so fun to mess with!!! *playfully pushed Masky*

MASKY: *bumped the table of candles and now the whole floor is on fire* goddammit Toby!!!! *he's jacket was also on fire* oh my f*ck!!!! Put it out! Put it out!!! *running around in circles*

TOBY: dont worry Masky!!! I got ya *threw a glass of liquid*

MASKY: *flames on his jacket grew bigger* what the hell Toby!!!! You're such an idiot! That was wine you annoying little sh*t!!! Ghhhaaaa!!!!

TOBY: was it? :3


JAZZY: you burned down the whole Mall just to buy a new hair pin?

TOBY: yeah! Those were fun times!!! *twitch*

MASKY: do you see my problem here?-_-

NINA: *wearing a purple sleeveless shirt* Ben you can fix the AC right?

BEN: *was wearing a white shirt* of course i can... If it wasnt burned down before -_-

NINA: this is terrible!!!!

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