I Like...

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ME: *sitting on the couch with Masky*

BEN: *sat beside me*

ME: *slowly looks at Ben* *took Ben's hat* *runs off*

BEN: GIVE THAT BACK!!! *chased me outside* >_<

MASKY: *sigh*

BEN: *carrying me on his shoulder to the couch* YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!!! :3

MASKY: *starring at us*

JEFF: *walks in* 0-0 what?!... you know, i'm not even gonna ask... *walks away*

MASKY: hey dude, put her down!

ME: you heard the man...

BEN: *lets me go* ok

ME: *fell down* owww... *stands up* *sits beside Masky*

BEN: take my hat again... -_- i'll hug you *evil smile*

ME: yeah, whatever!!! :P

BEN: :P *leaves mainroom*

TOBY: *walks in then sat next to me* hey Masky! *waves*

MASKY: *poker face*

ME: hey Toby, have you seen EJ???

TOBY: no...

ME: *sigh*

TOBY: *slowly placed arms around my shoulder without me noticing*

JANE: *walks in* what the heck are you trying to do Toby??!!!!!

TOBY: *stopped* uhhh...nothing

JANE: *drags Toby to her room* we need to talk...

ME: *looks at them leave* what's got into them???

MASKY: i don't know...

ME: *sigh*

MASKY: *slowly looks at me* what's wrong???

ME: hmm... nothing, i'm just tired...

MASKY: you're tired??? but you only sat here for 3 hours!!! -_-"

ME: well, i got tired of sitting... :3

MASKY: hahaha... first time to hear someone got tired for sitting... ^_^

ME: *yawn* *looked at Masky*

MASKY: what?

ME: *slowly placed my head on Masky's shoulder* *fell asleep*

MASKY: *blushed* 0///0 uhhh...


ME: *woke up* *wiped saliva on face* *yawn* *looked at Masky*

MASKY: ohhh...you're awake :)

ME: *gasp* ohhh..no... your arms!!! does it hurt?

MASKY: *rubs arm* well, just a little... :)

ME: i'm sorry... *hugs him*

MASKY: *blushed* 0///0 uhhh... you don't have to say sorry...

ME: *giggles* why are you always nice to me? :3

MASKY: *blushed more* 0///0 uh... well...

ME: *giggles*

MASKY: uhh... Sam... i want to tell you something...

ME: hmm? what?

MASKY: uhh... *blushed* i-i-i li-li-like...

TOBY: *walks in* hey Sammy!!! lets throw Ben in the well!!!

ME: sure, and stop calling me Sammy... but... *looks at Masky* what was you gonna say???

MASKY: uhh... nothing...

ME: hmm... ok... i'll see you later, then... *runs upstairs with Toby*

BEN: *screaming*

ME AND TOBY: *dragging Ben outside*

BEN: *screaming like a lady*

MASKY: *sigh*

JANE: hey,have you seen Sam and Toby?

MASKY: ohhh... they went outside to throw Ben in the well again...

JANE: ohhh... that's great! ^_^

MASKY: *looks at her confused* what do you mean great?

JANE: well, i agreed to help Toby to my BFF... i know she also have a thing for him...but if Toby tries to hurt my BFF's feelings, i will definately kill him... >:(

MASKY: how could you be sure that they'll be fine with each other?

JANE: *sigh* cause they like each other, but they're just shy to admit it...

MASKY: ohhh...ok

EJ: *enters* hey guys, what did i miss?

MASKY: where have you been?

EJ: ohhh... i went to my girlfriends house... ^_^

MASKY: but i thought you broke yp with your girlfriend?!

EJ: ohhh... i have a new girlfriend...

MASKY AND JANE: what?! 0_0 uhh...

ME AND TOBY: *enters*

ME: EJ!!! where have you been?

EJ: ohhh... i went to my new girlfriend...

ME: a new girlfriend?! awww... congrats!

EJ: hehehe...thanks... *looks around* have you seen Ben? we're suppose to play video games today...

TOBY: we threw him in the well... *derp face*

EJ: 0-0 ok... i should go and get him... *leaves*

ME: hey Masky... *sat down beside Masky* how's your arm?

MASKY: it's better now... ^_^

JEFF: *walks in*

ME: hey Jeff, how's it goin?

JEFF: *poker face*

ME: *looks at Jane* what's wrong with him?

JANE: *sigh* he's always like that when Nina isn't around... she went to the mall with Saddie... -_-"

ME: you know Jeff, you should sing a song for her... :3 and give her flowers and chocolate and play a guitar... and...and...

JANE: *rolls eyes* ok...

JEFF: that's a great idea, but what song should i sing for her?

MASKY: something she would really like...

ME: i know! how about HUNG UP by THE SCRIPT!!!

JANE: hmmm... not bad...

JEFF: *raised hand* just another problem... i don't how to play a guitar...

MASKY: *raised hand* i could play... but you will sing...

ME: *looked at Masky* 0_0 wait, you could play a guitar??!!!! but i haven't seen you do that...

MASKY: hehehe... i always play guitar in the music room... ^_^

ME: hahaha... >_< why didn't you tell me?

MASKY: *scratch head* hehehe... *blushed a little* ^///^

TOBY: *looked at Masky* *rolls eyes*

JANE: then that's great... lets get ready before Nina comes back...

My Life With The CreepypastasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora