False Alarm

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*CHRISTMAS EVE (11:00pm specifically)*

ME: *writing something in my diary* /dear J, i'm confused! why is Jazzy cheating on Hoodie? what the heck man?! and now she's with Masky... Hoodie's best "bro". sigh.../

TOBY: *pops out from no where* hey Sammy!!!

ME: ghaaaa!!!! why do you guys keep doing that?!!! >_<

TOBY: sorry... so what are you doing?

ME: uhm nothing? *hides diary behind my back*

TOBY: oh really? *took my diary*

ME: hey give it back!!!

TOBY: i'll give it back if you can reach it :P *raised diary up*

ME: hey!!! no fair! you're too tall for me!! and i'm short!!! so give it back! *jumping to reach it*

TOBY: hahaha... fine :P but why did you name your diary, "J"?

ME: *grabs diary* none of your business!!! HMP!

TOBY: ahaha... you are getting mad again, Sam :P

ME: whatever! >_<

TOBY: so.. are you avoiding me?

ME: what? 0-0

TOBY: well, i just thought that you are avoiding me for some reason... i don't know

ME: well... no! i'm not avoiding you! and if i was avoiding you, what would be the reason?

TOBY: uhm... never mind... so, you look so confused today... what's wrong?

ME: well, it's Hoodie *told Toby the whole story*

TOBY: Masky? but... i thought they were good friends?!

ME: yeah... please don't tell anyone about it ok? especially Hoodie

TOBY: but why not?

ME: cause it might ruin their friendship... and i don't want to be the cause of that

TOBY: ok... for you... *wink*

ME: whatevs *roll eyes*

TOBY: oh yeah! i got you something *twitch*

ME: really? well i wasn't expecting that

TOBY: uhm... well... *twitch* it's not that great though *twitch* but i hope you like it *twitch* ^_^ you can open it later when the clock strikes 12:00

ME: are you nervous again? hahaha... it's really cute to see you twitch

TOBY: w-what? *twitch* 0///0

ME: uhm... i *facepalm then thinks to myself* no no no no!!! what did i say?! this is wrong! idiot idiot idiot!!! ok ok... calm down... think of something else

TOBY: you ok? *twitch*

ME: uhm... hey, you wanna go eat or do something?

TOBY: uhhh... ok?

HOODIE: *barge in* Sam? is it true?


HOODIE: is it true that Masky and Jazzy is...

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