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ME: really??! the Mansion exploded?

LIU: well not the whole mansion... just the music room

ME: Ej must be having a hard time huh?

LIU: nah he's fine! He's always with Jane... and Jane is.... uhmmm nice?

ME: hehe... i'm glad that they're getting along with each other... anyway i wanna ask, have you seen my phone? I think i left it in the mansion

LIU: oh yeah! I forgot i have it here... *searched in his pocket* t was also one of the reason i went here... *gave phone* here! ^_^

ME: awww!! Thanks :3

LIU: yeah... how long are you gonna stay here again?

ME: *sigh* i dunno... maybe forever? :/

LIU: :(

ME: :(

LIU: you know everybody misses you right? why cant you visit us instead?

ME: that's a great idea!! *facepalm* i am such an idiot for not thinking about that!!! >_<

LIU: so cute :3

ME: *blushes* i'll ask them if i can

LIU: :)

ME: *yawn*

LIU: hehe bed time?

ME: sorry...

LIU: it's fine... i'll be going too... Slendy doesnt like us getting home late :|

ME: does he know?

LIU: know what?

ME: that youve been sneakin in my house every night?

LIU: not really

ME: ohh...

LIU: sooo i'll be going now! I'll see you tomorrow ;) *jumps out the window*

ME: *giggles*


ME: dad please!!!! Oh please please please pleeease!!! >_<

DAD: no -_-

ME: come on dad!!!! You gotta let me!!!!!! >_<

DAD: i said no...

ME: DAAAD!!! Please!!! >_<

DAD: no means no Sam

ME: *sniff* fine! *run upstairs into her room*


ME: *faceplant on her bed* *sniff*

LUKE: hey Sam... *open the door* i brought some snacks for you... *shakes the snacks* you haven't ate anything

ME: *still not moving*

LUKE: aren't you hungry? *sat on the bed*

ME: ...

LUKE: *sniff sniff* *looked under the bed and saw some pizza box* how did you even got pizza without leaving your room?????

ME: ...

LUKE: aww... come on lil sis dont be sad.... you know how protective dad is with everyone of us... so you must understand him *sat on the bed*

ME: *not talking*

LUKE: can you at least talk to me?

ME: ...

LUKE: dude i brought doritos!!! Come on bro you love doritos!!! Right?! i even run out to the grcery store to buy these awesome triangle food!!! i did an effort!!! *holds out a brofist* at least brofist me for my awesome brother love?

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