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ME: *wearing a black hoodie and black backpack* *walking alone thinking to self* i must go find the witch... if i dont i'll end up killing everybody i know T^T *sigh*

MASKY: *jumps off a tree then blocked my way* what are you doing here?! you shouldn't be outside alone!!!

ME: Masky, go mind your own business!

MASKY: you are my business! im here to stop you! i dont want you to go and might hurt yourself

ME: hurt MYSELF?! youre scared of me hurting anybody! well im telling you this! i aint gonna hurt anybody!! >_<"

MASKY: dude... just go back home... there could be any other way for this

ME: well that witch is the WAY! so ill do everything to undo this nightmare! *tries to run over Masky*

MASKY: *blocks my way* no!

ME: grr... Masky! get out of the friggin way!

MASKY: i cant let you!

ME: hmp! fine! *punched Masky then pushed him* sorry but i have to go! *runs away*

MASKY: *on the ground* goddammit!!! Sam! *chased after me*

ME: *still running* LEAVE ME ALONE!

MASKY: *tackled me (MASKY STYLE)*

ME: gha! dude get off!!! *being pinned down*


ME: GET OFF!!! you are totally making me feel uncomfortable!!! *blushed a little*

MASKY: no!

ME: gr... listen to me! if you wont get off i'll... i'll...

MASKY: youll what? hit me again? i dont care how many times youll punch me... i just want you to... to listen to me sometimes! >_<

ME: wha??? *looked at him*

MASKY: just. listen.

ME: *tilt head a little with a confused face*

MASKY: i know you just want to do what you think is right... but... *sigh* at least try to considerate what im feeling... i-i mean what WE are feeling!

ME: ???

MASKY: im tired dude... so tired... i could just let you do what you want but i cant... cause part of me want to make sure youre safe

ME: 0_0

MASKY: *sigh* but i guess im not doing well... i suck with my job... *finally gets off then sat next to me while im still lying on the ground*

ME: *sit up while looking at him*

MASKY: do what you want... its not my deal to stop you doing your thing *stand up* i'll just head bck to the mansion... *starts to walk away*

ME: ah.. M-masky? wait! *stands up* i think youre right... i-im sorry... i shouldve thought of my actions first... i was selfish...

MASKY: *stopped walking but not turning around* youre not selfish... you just dont always know what is rght

ME: *sad puppy eyes* are you mad?

MASKY: i told you.... i can never get mad at you... and thats my problem *walks away*

ME: D: *head down then followed him*



HOODIE: yes! shes not there!

JANE, NINA, SADDIE AND BEN: *running towards Slendy* she's not in the library!!!

SLENDY: where could she possibly be??!

HOODIE: if we just told her the truth... she wouldnt have run away...

MASKY: *opened the front door* i found her -_-

ME: s-sorry *waves*

LIU: SAM! *quickly hugs me*

ME: er... hey

SLENDY: where did you go child?

MASKY: *walks upstairs into his room*

ME: *saw him go upstairs* oh... uhm... *sigh* i wanted to look for the witch... i thought that was a good idea... i guess i ony got you guys so worried

EJ: are you hurt?! why are you so dirty?! *noticed i was wearing a black hoodie* uhh... and are you wearing one of my hoodies??? *looks at me with a weird face*

ME: oh... uhm... eheh

EJ: -_-"

TOBY: so youre ok? not harmed or whtever?

ME: uh yeah... i guess

JANE: are you sure youre ok girl?

ME: yeah im good ^_^" ehehe *awkward laugh*

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