What Family?

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TOBY: ever think about your family??? i kinda miss my mom though *lying next to me on the floor*

ME: meh... but its cute that you miss yours

TOBY: why dont you?

ME: i left home for a reason obviously

TOBY: you never told me about your life before living here...

ME: i never talked about it to anybody... i just wanna forget about them

TOBY: but why?

ME: *sat up* because... they didnt even looked for me

TOBY: i thought you ran away??

ME: i did! BUT THEY DIDNT EVEN TRY TO LOOK?!!? THEY ARE PROBABLY HAPPY THAT I LEFT!!! THEY DONT CARE FOR ME!!! THEY HATE ME!!! THEY FFFF... *sigh*i know they wanted me out of their lives...

TOBY: *sat up and pat my back* dude... please stop always thinking people hate you...

ME: i dont always think like that! >_<

TOBY: uh yeah you do! the moment you turned into a CP, you kept saying youll be a monster and be hated by people... and we, your friends, always try to cheer you up!

ME: ok ok Mr.Smartypants! >_<

TOBY: all im saying is dont forget that somebody cares for you

ME: *blushed a little* huh

TOBY: i shouldnt have brought this conversation up... sorry ^_^

ME: its fine, Toby! hehehe... im really glad that you're here to listen to me when Liu's away...^_^ thanks for that

TOBY: dont mention it!

ME: when is he gonna be back?

TOBY: er... i dont really know...

ME: *sigh*

HOODIE: *jumps out of nowhere* dont worry! you still got us! ^_^

ME: Hoodie?! how long have you been here? 0-0

HOODIE: not very long

ME: is Masky with y...

MASKY: *fall out of the closet* dammit!

TOBY: hey Tim! *smirked*

ME: *giggles* you ok? *helped Masky up*

MASKY: i'm fine *dust himself*

ME: uhh... did you hear what we were...?

HOODIE: yes...

MASKY: sorry

ME: its ok... *sat on the bed*

MASKY: well... i just wanna say that... dont feel bad about your family... cause you are lucky!

ME: lucky?

MASKY: you are lucky you still have one! at least you have a family... not like us... *points at himself* look at me, i have to live with these insane dweebs :3

ME: hahaha ^_^

MASKY: so i think there is a logical explanation why they didnt look for you... maybe they want to give you space?

ME: *looked at Masky* oh... i-i dont know Masky... i dont know if i can forgive them for NOT GIVING A F*CK ABOUT ME WHEN I LEFT!!!

HOODIE: 0-0 *pats my back* calm down

ME: *breathe in and out* sorry... i-i cant control myself anymore... im really sorry -_-

TOBY: uhm... do you want me to get you some ice cream to calm you down? *twitch*

ME: yes please

TOBY: ok Sammy... i'll be back ^_^ *walks out the door*

ME: *sigh* sorry Masky :(

MSKY: aw it is ok... *messed up my hair*

ME: what are guys doing here anyway? i mean, why are you hidding in my closet Masky?

MASKY: uh... *slightly blushed*

ME: were you spying or something? *derp face*

MASKY: wh-what?! w-why would i do that?! i wont do that!! *looked at Hoodie* will i do that?!?!? no right??!! *sweat drops then blushed* 0////0"

HOODIE: *shrugs*

ME: *giggles* were you spying on Toby??? :3

MASKY: what?! what in the name of lord zalgo does that suppose to mean?!?!?! *intensely blushed* 0/////0

HOODIE: pfffttthahaha! oh my god! XD hahaha! ohhh!!!! i cant feel my belly!!! XD *drops down the floor laughing*

ME: ahahaha! im just kidding! hehehe... ^_^

MASKY: th-that's not funny -///-

HOODIE: hohohoahaha! yes! yes it is!!!! ahahahaha

MASKY: why in the hell would you even think of that? *still blushing* -///-

ME: i was surfing the web and i read some of the fanfics about you and Toby :3


ME: *looked at Hoodie* you too hoodie :P

HOODIE: what?!

ME: hihihi... ;)

TOBY: *walks in holding a bowl of ice cream* HEY SAMMY!!! what did i miss?

MASKY: nothing! *looked at me* we will never speak of this again -_-

ME: *giggles* yes boss!

TOBY: uhh... ok? whatevs ^_^ *hands me the ice cream*

ME: YAY! ^_^

*phone ringing*

HOODIE: im gonna get this *walks out of the room then talks on the phone* yow!

SLENDY: *on the phone* Hoodie... please dont ever talk about Sam's family

HOODIE: how did you...?

SLENDY: i know everything, duh

HOODIE: whatever

SLENDY: just dont ok? you do know about her family right?

HOODIE: yeah... but doesn't she have the right to know so? it is her family! and maybe they could help her!

SLENDY: Hoodie she doesnt want to see them... just do what i say -_-

HOODIE: fine *went back inside the room*

ME: *mouth full of ice cream* sho? wash irt shlendy? whart did he shey???

HOODIE: oh... uhm he said to look after you... that's it! ^_^"

ME: *swallowed* ok?

TOBY: heh... you're so adorable! :3

ME: hmp! >_<

MASKY: *crossed arms then rolled eyes*

HOODIE: uhh... im gonna go out for some fresh air for a while... bye! *tries to run through the door but hit the wall instead* ow! *rubs his face then walked out the door*


TOBY: well that happened

ME: hmm... weird :3

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