It's Kismesis

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EJ: *lying his head on my lap* i dont understand her! i cant even understand myself!

ME: sshhhhhshshshhh... *pap his face* yes... you tell me what is wrong... -3-

EJ: i just... cant understand what im feeling!

ME: uh huh...

EJ: i hate her cause she always tries to hurt me and even try to kill me!

ME: yes... but???

EJ: but she's adorable and funny... and her mischievious smile is so cute!

ME: mmhm

EJ: but then she'll do anything to get on my failure bus and run over me!!! >:(

ME: mmhhhhmm!

EJ: but later on, she'll try to cheer me up and act so very nice!

ME: mhm

EJ: will you quit doing that?

ME: doing what?

EJ: the "mhm" thing!

ME: but why?

EJ: i dunno... its kinda annoying

ME: well im sorry for being interested in your life story!!!!

EJ: :|

ME: anyway... i think i know what you are dealing with...

EJ: well?

ME: hihi... you have black feelings for Jane!!! :3

EJ: what?

ME: its called "Kismesisitude"!!!

EJ: uh... are you talking in another language? cause i dont understand it 0-0

ME: augh... it's a referrence!

EJ: ???


EJ: *shrugs*

ME: oh my god! dont you read that?? hmp! obviously not -_- well... LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT HOMESTUCK...

EJ: no no! we were talking about Jane...

ME: how dare you to stop me! *derp face*

EJ: -_- are you gonna help me or not?

ME: ok... i'll explain everything! in Homestuck there are four romances... and they are called quadrants... you know why???

EJ: uh... cause they are four?

ME: yes! now these romances are like the playing cards! there is heart (matesprits), diamond (moiraillegance), spade (kismesisitude) and club (auspisticism)! now first heart obviously shows love! the diamond kinda shows friendship! but more! like soulmates but you dont want to kiss him or her!

EJ: ok?

ME: shush! im trying to explain here! *clears throat* now... spade mean hate! well not really hate hate! its more of a love hate! like you like him or her but there are just thinga that you hate about her or him and still you keep liking her! thats you and Jane :3 *giggles*

EJ: -_-

ME: the club means one person tries to help the two kismesises with their relationship! and i think thatll be me! i think

EJ: i still dont understand

ME: augh... its simple! uhh... ill give you an example... hmm... my matesprit is Liu, my moirail is Jane and you i guess :3, i dont have an auspistice yet... and my kismesis is To... oh... uh... nevermind...

EJ: heh... you were gonna say To...

ME: *facepalmed Ej* shush your face! i think you understand!

EJ: no not really

ME: just read homestuck -_-

EJ: meh...

ME: hmp!

BEN: *pops out of the TV* sup guys! heard you were talking about Home Stuck?

ME: get out -_-

BEN: what?

ME: grr... IT'S HOMESTUCK NOT HOME STUCK, you butt!!

BEN: hehe... is it about being stuck at home? *wiggle eyebrows up and down* eh.. ehhh? :3

ME: -_-"

BEN: yeah i dont understand it :/

ME: hmm...

BEN: *walks out*

ME: sooo.... what were we talking about?

EJ: uhh... Jane?

JANE: *pops out of nowhere* i heard my name! ^_^

EJ: *jumpscare* GHAA!!! sh*t!

ME: -_- Ej please

EJ: the hell are you doing here?!

JANE: i have an appointment with miss Sam here *crossed arms*

EJ: appointment?

ME: oh yes... *wearing my reading glasses* im her psychiatrist at 4:30

EJ: uhh *gave me a weirded look*

ME: at 6:00 im a kitty cat for Liu :3 hihihi

EJ: ok?

JANE: so what are you guys talking about?

EJ: nothing!

ME: you :D

JANE: hmm...

EJ: *blushed a little*

JANE: is this about the pie thing?

EJ: kinda...

JANE: well that's what you get for messing with my doritos! :P

EJ: *mimic*

JANE: *rolled eyes*

ME: hihi... i ship it black! <3<

EJ AND JANE: what? *confused face*

ME: it's a homestuck romance!!!

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