Random Day 2

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ME: *sitting on the couch with Jazzy*

JAZZY: *sigh* don't you ever get bored when you're alone in this mansion???

BEN: *was sitting beside Jazzy* hey... i'm here!

ME: *glared at Ben* hmmm... maybe a little... but i have my own ways to entertain myself...

JAZZY: like what?

ME: *holds out water gun then shoot Ben* like that!

BEN: ghaa!!! what the fu...!!! whatever! *stands up then walks away*

JAZZY: hmm.. i now see that you enjoy watching Ben suffer... you like him?

ME: what?! heck no! i will never like a killer like him!!! *crossed arms*

JAZZY: where did the other CPs went, anyway??? and why Ben is left with us?

ME: well, the others went out killing... and Ben is too lazy to go out, so he only kills using the computer... *whispers* but i think he's chatting with cute girls using the Cleverbot... :3

JAZZY: *giggles*

BEN: *was standing behind me* what did you say? -_-

ME: nothing! *sweet smile on my face* ^_^

BEN: *looking at Jazzy* don't listen to that dweeb... she knows nothing

ME: *punched Ben on his arm* how dare you!

BEN: *mimics* hey Jazzy.. wanna play left 4 dead with me?

JAZZY: sure, it'll be fun!

ME: *sigh* ok.. i understand if you guys don't wanna hangout with me... :'( it's really ok...

BEN: don't mind that drama queen... lets just go and play! *pulled Jazzy into his room*

ME: HMP! >_< *crossed arms then went outside*


ME: *sigh* what should i do??? *someone covered my eyes* hey!!!! what the flip?!!! Jane??? is that you??

LIU: *lets go of me* no silly... it's me, Liu!!! ^_^

ME: *blushed intensely* Li-Liu??? what are you doing here?! aren't you with Jeff and the others?

LIU: *pinched my nose* hehehe... i didn't felt like killing today... and i missed you! ^_^

ME: *blushed more* 0////0 wha-what?! what did you sa-say???

LIU: i said i missed you

ME: *thinking to myself* did he just say, he missed me? is this a sign that he cares for me? Ohhh myyy gooooooosh!!!

LIU: you ok Sam?

ME: *snap out* uhhh... ye-yeah!

LIU: hehehe... wanna order some pizza?

ME: *raised fist* HECK YEAH!!!


ME AND LIU: *sitting on the couch eating pizza*

EJ: *walks in* sup!

ME: hey Ej! done with your business?

EJ: *sat beside me* yeah... *holds out kidney sandwich then eats it* want some?

ME: *looking at him weirdly* uhh no thanks... ^_^"

JAZZY: *walking downstairs* hi Ej!

EJ: sup! enjoy being here?

JAZZY: sure ^_^

BEN: *running downstairs* i smell pizza!!! i want some!!!

LIU: ok?

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