Do You Believe In Happy Endings?

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BEN: *playing his play station with Ej* so what do you think about Sam and Liu? :3

EJ: uh... why do you ask?

BEN: well, you're her best bud... just wanna know your opinion *still staring at the screen*

EJ: Liu is nice... yeah... but i dont think it's the right time for Sam to have a bf, you know what im saying?

BEN: not really... *wins the game then looked at Ej* you like her dont you?

EJ: *slightly blushed* maybe a little... i just dont like her to end up with any of us freaks... no offense dude

BEN: none taken... :3

EJ: dont you think it's better for her to have a normal relationship? i mean, she, having a normal life with a normal person who is not a killer like us?

BEN: yeah it is... but it is still her decision...

EJ: hmm... you're right

BEN: oh shoot! i forgot about hunting day with Emily *stands up then run out of his room* see you Ej!

EJ: uhh... ok? *confused face* so i'll just... uhm yeah *stands up then leaves*

ME: *peeping out my door* pst! pssstt!!! hey Ej! pst!

EJ: uh... i can hear you, you know *slowly walked towards my door*

ME: hehehe... wanna watch a movie? :3

EJ: sure... but why not with Liu?

ME: hihihi... he went out with Jeff... i dunno where though :3 well come on! *pulled Ej in my room*

EJ: *sat next to me on my bed* what are we gonna watch anyway?

ME: hmm... we could watch something scary... but i wont understand half the movie cause i'll just keep on covering my eyes -_-

EJ: hahahaha! scaredy cat :3

ME: yeah whatevs... lets just watch whatever that is not scary ^_^

EJ: hmm... how 'bout something romantic? but if you dont like...

ME: no its ok! well i dont really watch cheesy romantic movies but it's good to try new things :3

EJ: hehehe *starts a movie*

*after the movie few hours passed*

ME: *sobs* o-oh my dear lord... that was awesome! *sniff sniff* so much feels!! :')

EJ: heh... still crying :3 *holds out tissues* here

ME: *sniff* thanks :'3 *takes the tissue then wipe tears away*

EJ: i never seen you this emotional about some movie

ME: hihihi... i told you, i dont usually watch romantic movies... it sometimes bores me... everything that'll happen is so predictable

EJ: what do you mean predictable?

ME: well you know... everyone will get what they want, evil guys pay the price and the happy ending

EJ: uhh...

ME: heh... i know it's weird but... do you believe in happy endings? i dont really believ in any of that nonsense, Ej

EJ: why not?

ME: well we're in reality... in reality not everyone will have a happy ending

EJ: what makes you say that? is something bothering you?

ME: *sigh* yeah... *looks away* now that i'm this *gestured at myself* i dont think i'll have a normal life like before

EJ: *confused face*

ME: *looked at Ej with teary eyes* i know living with killers were crazy... but this is different... i dont want to be like this! i dont want to be a monster :'( i just wanna hang out with you guys like nothing changed

EJ: you are still you!

ME: Ej, surely i'll change into something worst... im becoming a monster T^T a very violent monster! *sniff* im scared! i might hurt everyone!!

EJ: dont say that... *pats my back* we'll definately find something to help you with your problem

ME: and if not?

EJ: i promise you... we will find something

ME: *quickly hugs Ej*

EJ: *blushed* heh... everything will be fine :) *hugs back*

*phone rings*

ME: *stopped hugging Ej then swiftly grabs my phone* it's liu! *answered call* sup Liu! hihihi... i just watched some movie with Ej :3 hahaha yeah... bluh bluh

EJ: uh... maybe i should go *walked towards the door then looked back*

ME: *talking on the phone*

EJ: *sighed then leaves the room*

SLENDY: *pops out of nowhere* what's wrong boy? why the long face?

EJ: oh... nothings wrong ^_^"

SLENDY: really? *raised eyebrow (augh... i know he doesnt have a face but whatevs ^_^)*

EJ: augh... -_-

SLENDY: if it's about Sam, we could just...

EJ: no! well.. yes.. im just kinda concern... we talked and she's down about her situation... she thinks she's turning into a monster

SLENDY: well anyone in her position would feel the same...

EJ: have you found any cure for her problem?

SLENDY: not yet... but i sent Jeff and Liu to go and look for witches that could help us

EJ: hope they find something

JEFF AND LIU: *gets teleported beside Ej* sup!

EJ: gha! the hell did you came from?

LIU: we were teleported by witches

SLENDY: -_-"

JEFF: *looked at Slendy with a stupid smirky face* heh... you thought you're the only one who can teleport :3

SLENDY: *poker face (dammit! let's just assume he did the face)*

EJ: well did you get any help? what did the witches say?

LIU: they sàid they cant help :(

EJ: but why?!

JEFF: what Slendy did to her was too intense and powerful which is hard to fix... i blame Slendy for this! :3

EJ: *facepalm*

LIU: maybe we should keep looking

SLENDY: you two should rest for now...

JEFF AND LIU: ok! *Jeff went to his Nina in the music room and Liu ran into my room*

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