Love Strings

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MASKY: okay Ej... maybe you should stop using the guitar and start playing other instruments ^_^"

MASKY: okay Ej... mally wanna play guitar!! >_<

MASKY: come on dude... just try something else *hands ej hoodie's drum sticks*

EJ: *sigh* fine *walks towards hoodie's drums and start banging terrible sounds*

MASKY: *covered his ears* o-okay maybe drums are hard to play... you can stop now! >_<"

EJ: this is hopeless T^T

MASKY: bro dont give up... we'll find an instrument that'll totally fit for you! ^_^"

EJ: :|

MASKY: try a piano...

EJ: okay... *pressed some keys*

BEN: *barge in the music room* nooo!!! stop that!!! That is much worst than Sam playing song of healing!!!! >_<

EJ: ...

MASKY: err... okay let's try something else


SALLY: *is braiding Saddie's hair*

JANE: girl do mine next! :3

SALLY: okay!!! ^_^

TOBY: wow... so is this the only thing you girls ever do everyday? *twitch*

SADDIE: nope... we go shopping, go to parlors, buy make up, kill random people, clean our room, go to movies...

TOBY: heh... *twitch* the middle one though

SADDIE: what? Buy make up?? :3

TOBY: hehe *twitch*

SALLY: uhm... Toby? What are even doing here? I mean... well you're a guy... shouldn't you be hanging out with the other dudes?

TOBY: nah... they're busy with some stuff -_- *twitch*

SADDIE: well no offense but... you should hang with them more often than with us girls... cuz this our lady time... where there is no boys... no offense

TOBY: but i dont wanna *twitch* they'll just gonna make fun of me or something >_< *twitch*

SALLY: go hang with your proxy buddies!! >_<

TOBY: no way!! Masky hates me! Well i kinda hate him too though :3 *twitch* and hoodie is always with Jazzy now!! *twitch*

SADDIE: how about Jeff and Liu Or at least Ben?

TOBY: Jeff's with Nina... Ben's with Emily...

SADDIE: Ej? He's cool

TOBY: he's weird *twitch*

SALLY: says the boy who twitches all the time -_-

JANE: Liu?

SADDIE: yeah! He's nice! And really friendly!!

TOBY: err... *twitch*

SADDIE: what's the matter? werent you guys friends or something??

TOBY: *head down* yeah we were... and still are but...

SALLY: but it's awkward for him cuz he's Sam's bf *doesnt look away from her braiding*

SADDIE: wow Sally... you know so much 0-0

JANE: seriously Toby?

TOBY: yeah *twitch* :/

JANE: is that why you dont hang out with Sam anymore too?

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