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" Let me help you " Yedam took the bag in her hand and went straight to Jiwoo's car to load it without waiting for her reply.

Without uttering any protestion, Jiwoo followed his light step " What are you doing here? "

Yedam let her question sway away as he closed the car boot, eyes finally linked with hers.

The sight of his face made Jiwoo crinkle her forehead " yah " hands cupping his cheeks " what's wrong with your face? "

Her eyes trailed along his facial features. Bloodstain on the corner of his lips. And a purple-ish blush on his left cheek as if he got into a fight

" aish " Hands pushing the palms off his face as he turned his head away " none of your business "

"Anyway, where is your HUSBAND " A smirk developed on his face, intentionally pressed the word husband.

" Yedam "

" I'm just asking? " Yedam bounced his shoulder " What if he suddenly comes out and sees us together? Shouldn't we be honest with him? "

Jiwoo fixed her eyes on him. No wonder he came even though Jiwoo already told him that he doesn't need to " Not now, okay? "

" Sweetie! " A voice called. Jiwoo looked past her shoulder and smiled when she saw Jeongwoo. Jiwoo then looked back at the man who already had his annoyed face on " You may go home now "

Before Yedam could say anything, Jiwoo already took her feet off and jogged all her way to that guy.

That guy that is living in his dream.

His feet moved as his eyes followed the couple's movement. From the hospital's main entrance until they reach the car

" You again " A voice greeted.

Yedam searched for the voice before his face cracked into a smile " haewonnie! " he called and nodded " yeah, Jeongwoo was discharged today "

Eyebrows lined up into a straight line, Haewon questioned back " really? " earning a nod from him as he pointed at the person who just entered the car.

Haewon inhaled before she let it out harshly " I didn't know " her eyes then trailed down to the Tupperware in her hand " Jungwon didn't tell me either " She mumbled under her breath

But audible enough for Yedam to hear " For him? "

The younger nod. Yedam snatched the tupperware but touched her skin instead " oh, sorry " he apologized, taking the tupperware carefully.

" What are you doing? " she wondered.

" Who is going to eat this? It's going to be a waste if you throw it away " he firmly said.

" I can give it to my brother "

Yedam stared at her intensely, eyes widening " you have a brother? "

Haewon hummed " He is a doctor here " she answered, index finger pointing to the white building behind her " I can ask him to treat your wound. If you want to "

Yedam's lips parted as he shook his head, declining " It's okay " he said, handing out the tupperware back to Haewon.

Haewon's eyes went back and forth between the tupperware and him. She then shook her head " If you want, you can have it "

Her words beamed up his face " really? " he asked, getting a nod as the response.

" Let's eat together then "


" Eommoni, Jjeong Jjeongie is home! " He shouted, as the voice echoed through the big house.

Remember ☆ Park Jeongwoo ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ