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" Good morning " She greeted, sliding the door behind her close.

" You are here too, Jinyoung oppa? " She asked as her eyes caught the older's figure.

" Yeah, taking a day off for this spoil kid " Jinyoung replied, flipping the newspaper to the next page.

Jiwoo just smiled and wondered.

Is newspaper entertaining to read?

She doesn't know

Jiwoo ambled her way to the hospital bed, placing the tiffin on the side table before she landed her butt on the seat beside it " I brought you spicy tteokboki. Your favourite, right?

Of course, Jeongwoo still has his back on her and not replying. But she didn't care. She already knew why and all she want was staying by his side forever.

" Oh " She snapped her finger and delved her hand into the gucci bag that was hanging on her shoulder " I bought a ring " She said, fishing out a velvet box.

" I already cancelled our wedding " The deep voice finally came out.

" I know " Jiwoo calmly said " But they still proceed it because I didn't agree "

Jeongwoo quickly got on his butt and turned to look at Jiwoo with a surprise expression all over his face " No we can't get married "

Jiwoo placed the velvet box beside the tiffin " I want to take care of you, Jeongwoo "

" What is the point when I am going to die, anyway? " Jeongwoo's pitch became higher

" And what is the point of living when I can give you the best? " Jiwoo counter back, leaving Jeongwoo in silence " Tumor are not promising you to die, Woo. You can get rid of it and get better "

Jeongwoo ran his palms on his face " You don't understand how the brain tumor works, Jiwoo "

" Soon, I will lost my ability to walk. And maybe lost my ability to talk properly. Is that okay to you? "

Jiwoo stared at the frustrated face in front of her. The face showed that he was scared. She turned up the corner of her lips slowly and dropped her head twice

" As long as you didn't lost your feelings, I am okay with everything "


" Jeongwoo-ya, Jihoonie hyung is here " A voice shouted as the door was slammed open.

" Honey, it's a hospital, volume down please " Hyerin warned, patting her husband's chest to calm him down.

Jeongwoo put down his book on his lap before his lips spread widely, long time no see this stupid guy.

When his eyes landed on Hyerin's tummy Jeongwoo gasped " noona! " Jeongwoo shrieked, stretching out his arms and clapping as if he was calling a kid.

He is the youngest after all.

A chuckle escaped Hyerin as she ambled her way to her brother-in-law.

" waaa " He spoke in a tiny voice, hands caressing a tummy that carried two babies " How old are they? " he asked, linking his eyes with Hyerin's

Hyerin looked down at her tummy and stroked it softly " Eight months " she replied, a smile drawn on her lips.

Jeongwoo gasped loudly as his eyes went round " They about to come out "

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