Chapter 30

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"Amara, please?"

"I don't want to."

I sighed and rub my chin hair a little.

"I promise I will call you the first second I get an update."

"No, Malik. I'm not leaving." She responded.

It was now in the evening time and we still haven't gotten anything back. I'm really about to snap.

"You need to go home and get some rest. Y'all too." I said, turning my head to Nia and Kiara.

"That's dead." Nia said, shaking her head. Kiara just sat there, not saying anything.

I'm really worried about her. She hasn't really said much since she got here. It's like she's zoned out.

Nia sat up a little bit as she looked around me. "Dad?"

I turned my head to see Mr. Williams carrying a sleeping Damien into the hospital. Kiara stood up and greeted him, taking Damien from his arms.

"Hey, Mr. Williams." I said, standing up to shake his hand.

"Hey Malik. I know I was suppose to stay at the house but I wanted to come and you know." He said, putting his hands in his pockets nervously. "H- how's he doing?"

"I don't know." I cleared my throat. "They ain't told us anything."

"How long has it been?"

"Too long." Amara responded before I could say anything.

Before I knew it, Mr. Williams was walking up to the hospital desk.

I zoned out as I looked at Khalisé who had fallen asleep with her mouth open a little. I lightly smiled when I seen her baby bump poked out a little.

Lord, don't let anything happen to them.

"They said he's still in surgery." Mr. Williams said, making my nerves go crazy again.

"Yo, yo." I turned around as Vinchi and King walked into the hospital with bags in their hands.

"Where y'all been?" I asked, walking up to them.

"We stopped by a couple of stores and grabbed a few things since we still haven't gotten an update yet. We grabbed Damien and Mr. Williams sum too since we passed by them on the way to the store." King said as him and Vinchi started passing different things out.

"Here." Vinchi passed me a fresh set of clothes. "You really need to get out of that. They have some showers in here somewhere."

I nodded my head and dapped my boys up. My niggas.

"Hey mamas." I watched Vinchi interact with Amara.

She slightly smiled and waved. "Hey."

Man, this shit hurts. I miss my brother like crazy. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

"Le?" I looked up to see King calling my name.


"I was saying here go some of your things from the house. We just grabbed what we thought was necessary." I nodded and grabbed the bag from him.

"I'll be back." I walked over and kissed Khalisé's forehead before heading off to find the showers.
(Some Time Later)

"Hey sis." I said, sitting beside Kiara. I pulled my knees up to me and tried to control my breathing better.

"Hey girly." She said, lowly. We sat in awkward silence, listening to the nurses type on computers and walk the halls.

"How are you?" She looked at me, putting on her best smile.

"I'm good." I stale faced her. Lie.


"What?" She asked.

"Talk to me, dawg. We all here for you."

"This isn't even about me. Jermaine is your brother and Malik's."

"And Jermaine is your boyfriend. You're the first girl Jermaine ever loved, it's only right that I check on you." I said, grabbing her hand.

"Okay." She chuckled nervously. "I'm fine, honestly. It's just... man, this shit is hard." She rested her head on the palm of her hand.

"Jermaine is so different than anyone I've ever talked to or been with. He's the first guy that I actually feel safe around. I mean.." She shook her head.

"He lets me be me, dawg. I can't imagine losing that, losing him. I don't know what to do."

I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. Man, this shit is crazy.

"Family of Jermaine Andrews?" My head and body shot up at the sound of those words. Everybody stood up with me too and walked over to the doctor that was calling for us.

"Hello, I'm Jermaine's brother, what's going on?" I crossed my arms.

"Well, Jermaine took a very severe gunshot to the back of his head. As of right now, we're trying to find a way to get the bullet out and stop the bleeding, but it's only so much that we can do."

"Wait.. wait, what are you saying?" Nia said, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's not looking too good for him right now. The bullet is too close to his brain."

"I'm sorry. It's only about a 10 percent chance he'll pull through." I can't take this shit.

My vision got blurry the same time my body got lightweight. Khalisé and Mr. Williams held me up before I could hit the ground.

"No." I snapped back into reality when I heard Amara's voice.

"No, please. I-it's gotta be something else you can do." Her voice trembled as she shook her head.


"Please, sir. That's my blood brother in there. I can't lose him." My eyes got watery as she started to cry.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am." The doctor looked at her with a sympathetic look on his face. "We really are trying."

Nia wrapped her arms around Amara as she continued to cry.

"Noo, no! This is all of my fault." She whispered


"If I would've just let him do what he had to do, we wouldn't be in this situation! I talked him into letting me help and now look at where we're at. Bruh." Amara pulled back from Nia who was still trying to get her to calm down.

"Se, wait a second." She shook her head at my words before she finally got detached from Nia's grasp.

She walked off towards the bathroom and that's when I lost it.

"Man, what the fuck?!" I felt out of my body, like the world was just spinning around me and I was literally losing my mind.

"I can't do this shit.." I whispered, repeating those words over and over again. Mr Williams called my name out but I ignored it.

"That's my brother, man." My voice cracked as tears slipped from my eyes.

My left hand man. My ride or die. My brother might not make it.

For like the fifth time today, I zoned out and felt myself walking out of the hospital, not caring who was calling after me or who was grabbing me.

This can't be real.

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