! WAR !

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"Calm the fuck down Star" , said James as I danced my new choreography , pissed.

"I'm just so nervous , I really want Mum and Dad to be proud of me we haven't seen each other in so long" , I yelled almost about to fall on something when he grabbed my fists.

"Get dressed , stop making a fuss and get outside because your parents are at the gate"

I got into my uniform and did my makeup walking out of my room anxious , wanting to give a warm hug to my family already.

The other Gryffindors stared and I gave them the death stare and they looked away.

I then turned around and walked in the hall fast , oh the huge hug that I'll give them ! I void my even hear my heels clicking from the amount of thoughts that were circling around my brain.

"Star!" , I heard behind me while I turned around to see my father with his arms open.

"MOM , DAD !" , I exclaimed running to them and leaping into their embrace.

"How's our little Ray of Starlight", my father asked.

"Missing you more than you could even imagine , Mum you're not overworking yourself right , Dad are you two drinking more than 2 cups of coffee a day?"

"Still just as worried about us as before" , my mother affirmed kissing my forehead , "and you can't stop me from drinking coffee while you're all the way in Scotland"

"I'll come back then"

"My ears just started healing from all that k-pop my lovey", my mother replied as I rolled my eyes.

I held their hands tightly before letting go and going into the meeting room.

"Go after me" , I told them.

I closed the door in their faces and said hello to my Headmaster and Professors.

"Hello Miss Granger , please sit down" , said the Headmaster.

My parents then came in and did the same thing as I.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Weasley , your daughter has brought quite an intrigue to our professors here which you might recognise a few of , I'll let them explain the situation", said the Headmaster.

The teachers explained the fact that I was advanced and that they'd given me like Sophomore things to do and that I also performed well and that it would be wise for me to become a Sophomore.

"I never knew that this was situation ? Why didn't tell us Pumpkin" , said my dad

"It's not important" , I replied embarrassingly not looking at him.

"What we imagined is making Celesta participate in Sophomore classes for a week and then see what happens" , said the Headmaster.

I just sighed and crossed my arms.

"Well if that's it we agree , is there anything to sign"

"Not yet since it's not a permanent inscription yet so nothing to sign yet but we just want to see her level compared to Sophomores"

"No problem , right Celesta" , my mother asked.

"Not a problem" , I affirmed.

"In that case , this meeting is adjourned , I'll see the both of you at the end of the trimester" , said the Headmaster as I left the room.

My parents walked behind me , as I was walking away though , I spotted Daniel who put his arm over my shoulder the second he got close enough to me.

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